
C’mon Shep, it will take me lightyears of training until I’m fast enough to run there in under 12 parsecs!

C’mon Shep, it will take me lightyears of training until I’m fast enough to run there in under 12 parsecs!

Fun fact: Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again” is what you hear at the end of Dr. Strangelove with the A-bombs going off left and right.

Also, the lines in the rocks are scoring marks from the moving ice and grit - which is why they all run North-South.

LOL you just listed my three favorite candies.

still not as good as the under-rated 2001 masterpiece

Also so glad someone recognized this. :D

This is me

So, am I supposed to get from this that my time spent creating random number generators in BASIC on a Commodore Pet were nothing but wasted time?

Eva was on Green Acres! I love that theme song.

I think Joel in the trailer was a figment of her imagination and this whole scene was her going to avenge his death, the game being just Ellie with some flashbacks of their relationship between the games.

I helped a friend install one of these. It was pretty tricky and took a long time.

I helped a friend install one of these. It was pretty tricky and took a long time.

Want to win at carnival games? Just ask this guy how he does it.

You should read “Command and Control”, just to realize how easily it could happen by accident.

Did someone say batwings?

With Respect to the timing: Lady Gaga belted out “the brave” twice. That left a ~10 second window where the timing could be “perfect”. Plus, she could have accelerated or slowed down to match the Blue Angels. I liked how her arrangement allowed for some give.

Industry, Science and technology. Big man putting screw drivers into things. Turning them.. Adjusting them!


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