
“...the name... is meaningless and that it was chosen because it could be pronounced in any language.”

I’ll just leave this right here.

“I hope she’s floating around the universe... “

I’ll just leave this right here.

We had several dogs and cats over the years, and fleas were always a problem. We found that light-based flea traps work a treat. A light attracts them, and they get caught on sticky paper for easy disposal. The light on ours blinks off and on every minute or so simulating movement, which evidently helps attract the

“If you have time off for the holidays... “

This puts me in mind of American actor Wilton Lackaye (1862-1932) who was being honored at a luncheon. The host launched into a lengthy and verbose introduction, then said “And now the brilliant speaker of the evening will give you his address.” Lackaye took the podium and said “My address is The Lamb’s Club, 128 West

“. . . Now you see . . . they’ re not fit for humans . . .” “Put them on me.”
Steve Martin, Cruel Shoes

$120K for a banana. Welp... people have simply lost their minds. Also, it’s now official: there is no such thing as “art”, it’s entirely a subjective construct.

Our own George Takei was incarcerated in those camps at the tender age of 5. George was born in Los Angeles; he was as much a US citizen as anyone else born in the US, including FDR.

“We constantly lament how cars nowadays all look the same...”

Hmm... there’s a “...where the sun don’t shine” joke in there somewhere.

Mine never had that particular problem, but it made up for it in many other ways. It leaked oil all the time; I think the crankshaft seals were made of silly putty.

I bought a new 240DL in 1976, paying over $6K when you could get a perfectly fine Ford or Chevy for less that half that. It was the worst car I’ve ever owned, a real hangar queen that practically lived in the garage. It had an early fuel-injected engine that didn’t work well at all. Starting cold it used an “air

Umm... the “Compressed Air” that comes in cans isn’t “air” at all. It’s a fluorocarbon, often 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane, a common refrigerant. The material is liquid in the can, evaporating to a pressurized gas when the valve is opened. While handy, this stuff is hell on the environment; it is a potent greenhouse gas

“Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson [were]... stashed in the Bahamas during the war...”

I spent much of my childhood on the road in the south with my parents in their un-air conditioned ‘54 DeSoto in the days before Interstates, lumbering through the heat on two-lane blacktops at 35 mph. A typical trip was three days, probably 30 hours of stultifying heat and boredom, with two nights on the road; it was

I spent much of my childhood on the road in the south with my parents in their un-air conditioned ‘54 DeSoto in the