In the mid-’70s I was once at my girlfriend’s apartment until about 2 in the morning. Driving home to my place about 5 miles away, my car started to sputter and then died, out of gas. I coasted down a hill, up another, and halfway down the next a gas station loomed out of the darkness, the only station open all night…
Re. music to get fired to
Closer to home, you can spend the night in the A Christmas Story house. Used in the movie only for exterior shots, the house in Cleveland OH has been remodeled to resemble the interior sets from the movie. For a mere $250 you can spend the night where Ralphie dreamed of a Red Ryder BB gun. However, for Christmas Eve…
My wife and I had Moviepass back in the glory days, and it was a lot of fun. Now we have Regal Unlimited, and it works great; we can see all the movies we want, as often as we want. It makes a lot more sense too. Moviepass had to shell out cash for every movie we watched, but Regal is screening the movies anyway; it…
Fun fact: America was still reeling from the attack on Pearl Harbor. Military planners know another attack was coming, but didn’t know where. US cryptanalysts had broken some Japanese codes, and knew that the attack was coming at a location coded as “AF”. They thought it was Midway but didn’t know for sure.
This puts me in mind of the Radium Girls of the early 20th century. Thousands of young women were hired to paint the hands and faces of watches and clocks with luminous paint, containing highly radioactive Radium. No one warned them of the danger; they were instructed to “point” the brush with their lips and often…
I like Millie as much as anyone, but... Speaking as the father of two daughters and now a grand daughter, I’d like to point out that Millie is 15 years old. Children of that age can almost glow with health. I think her flawless skin is due not so much to her regimen as to her very young age. Check back after a while…