
Sorry, but Alex doesn’t have the right to be “bothered”. He works maybe two days a week taping the show, and basically just stands there; anyone could do what he does. He now makes $10M per year, and is personally worth over $50M.

Testify. I’m old, but in my youth I spent a lot of time on the rifle range, and a lot of time in the cockpit of small aircraft as a private pilot. I did use hearing protection, but only the cheap little foam plug kind. I now have significant high-end hearing loss, and a form of tinnitus. If you go loud, get real

I literally ran into Buzz Aldrin, in the airport at Oshkosh, WI. There’s a big airshow there every year, and Buzz was one of the guest speakers. I almost knocked him over, but at least I got to meet him.

Those Victorians sure knew how to eat well. They dined on Soused Hog Face, and for dessert had Spotted Dick, a “pudding” of suet and dried fruit served over custard. Mmmmm......

When I was a kid in the ‘50s Sears and Montgomery Ward were still going strong, and both published a very elaborate christmas catalog every year. I spent weeks pouring over it page by page making a list, ordering it by price, and calculating just how good I’d been and how far up the list that would take me.

GOAD. My mother died at 84; she wasn’t actually sick, didn’t have cancer, heart disease or anything else specific. Her hospice doctor said she had GOAD. I asked him what that was, and he said Got Old And Died.

The 1953 version produced by George Pal holds up very well. Starring Gene Berry and Ann Robinson, even its practical, in-camera sfx seem ok in context.

“I could feel myself fading away, like Gregg Kinnear.”

I quite agree. I have the very similar 2700DW, and it works a treat. The wireless connection came right up, and I routinely print from my iPhone and iPad using AirPrint. You can use the scanner wirelessly from your Mac or PC.

I quite agree. I have the very similar 2700DW, and it works a treat. The wireless connection came right up, and I

I liked HACF a lot, and recently re-watched the entire series. The last scene showing Lee Pace’s character ending up as a teacher was set to Peter Gabriel’s Solsbury Hill. The lyrics are so exactly on-the-nose, I wonder if the writers and producers had it in mind the whole time as they crafted the story line.

I just bought a new briefcase, as my old bag was falling apart after 35 years of constant use. I opted for a vintage American Tourister on eBay, something straight out of Mad Men. I found one mint-in-box on eBay, and it’s great, really takes me back to my salad days.

I just bought a new briefcase, as my old bag was falling apart after 35 years of constant use. I opted for a vintage

Just for a few miles. Much more of the river, valley and mountains are in Virginia. I’m from WV, and I have only the highest regard for its scenic beauty, but the song is clearly about western Virginia.

New Balance 577 walking shoes with Velcro closures. The perfect grandpa shoes.

New Balance 577 walking shoes with Velcro closures. The perfect grandpa shoes.

Interestingly, the geographical features mentioned in Country Roads (Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah River) are not in West Virginia, but in the western part of Virginia. The song is not about the state of West Virginia at all.

I wanted a Questar telescope from the time I became aware of their existence in the ‘60s when I was about 12. They were always crazy expensive, and I never really hoped to have one. I bought any number of much cheaper telescopes, telling myself they were just as good, but it didn’t work.

Fun fact: back in the roaring ‘80s in Japan, entrepreneurs were mining 10,000 year old glacial blue ice and selling it by the cube. They got $100 for enough to chill a glass of whiskey.

Fun fact: back in the roaring ‘80s in Japan, entrepreneurs were mining 10,000 year old glacial blue ice and selling

If you’re going to cut your hair yourself, you should just own it and get a Flowbee. It’s what I use, but old and half bald, so I really don’t care how my hair looks.

If you’re going to cut your hair yourself, you should just own it and get a Flowbee. It’s what I use, but old and

I love posts like this. I worked for R&D companies for 40 years, and for 30 of those years also taught at a community college three nights a week. Now I’m retired; I still teach two days a week, but other than that I’m free. I sleep in every day, I read, watch TV, play video games, listen to music, and generally goof

Peanut M&Ms, the best candy in the world.

The Lumberyard performing arts center... “