Testify. I’m old, but in my youth I spent a lot of time on the rifle range, and a lot of time in the cockpit of small aircraft as a private pilot. I did use hearing protection, but only the cheap little foam plug kind. I now have significant high-end hearing loss, and a form of tinnitus. If you go loud, get real…
I literally ran into Buzz Aldrin, in the airport at Oshkosh, WI. There’s a big airshow there every year, and Buzz was one of the guest speakers. I almost knocked him over, but at least I got to meet him.
When I was a kid in the ‘50s Sears and Montgomery Ward were still going strong, and both published a very elaborate christmas catalog every year. I spent weeks pouring over it page by page making a list, ordering it by price, and calculating just how good I’d been and how far up the list that would take me.
GOAD. My mother died at 84; she wasn’t actually sick, didn’t have cancer, heart disease or anything else specific. Her hospice doctor said she had GOAD. I asked him what that was, and he said Got Old And Died.
I quite agree. I have the very similar 2700DW, and it works a treat. The wireless connection came right up, and I routinely print from my iPhone and iPad using AirPrint. You can use the scanner wirelessly from your Mac or PC.
I quite agree. I have the very similar 2700DW, and it works a treat. The wireless connection came right up, and I…
I liked HACF a lot, and recently re-watched the entire series. The last scene showing Lee Pace’s character ending up as a teacher was set to Peter Gabriel’s Solsbury Hill. The lyrics are so exactly on-the-nose, I wonder if the writers and producers had it in mind the whole time as they crafted the story line.
I just bought a new briefcase, as my old bag was falling apart after 35 years of constant use. I opted for a vintage American Tourister on eBay, something straight out of Mad Men. I found one mint-in-box on eBay, and it’s great, really takes me back to my salad days.
I just bought a new briefcase, as my old bag was falling apart after 35 years of constant use. I opted for a vintage…
Just for a few miles. Much more of the river, valley and mountains are in Virginia. I’m from WV, and I have only the highest regard for its scenic beauty, but the song is clearly about western Virginia.
Fun fact: back in the roaring ‘80s in Japan, entrepreneurs were mining 10,000 year old glacial blue ice and selling it by the cube. They got $100 for enough to chill a glass of whiskey.
Fun fact: back in the roaring ‘80s in Japan, entrepreneurs were mining 10,000 year old glacial blue ice and selling…
I love posts like this. I worked for R&D companies for 40 years, and for 30 of those years also taught at a community college three nights a week. Now I’m retired; I still teach two days a week, but other than that I’m free. I sleep in every day, I read, watch TV, play video games, listen to music, and generally goof…