A piston engine goes boing, boing, boing... but a Mazda goes Hmmmmmmm...
Back in the ‘70s a friend had to fly from the east coast to Japan with her 2 year old son. The kid was kind of hyper, so she got some pills from her pediatrician to calm him down a bit. Anticipating a quiet trip she dosed the kid just before takeoff, and for the next 15 hours he was totally off the wall, twice as bad…
The password is “Rosabelle believe”, from their favorite song. Medium Arthur Ford guessed it from existing clues.
Not quite onstage, but escapist Harry Houdini (born Eric Weisz, 1874-1926), died in his dressing room. Recovering from a minor injury, he was reclining on a couch when a fan took him up on his boast of having such strong abs that he could withstand any punch. The fan struck him hard while he was reclining, and he…
“And this positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms. In all my time in this wretched, godforsaken country, the one thing that has appalled me most of all is this preposterous preoccupation with bosoms. Don’t you realize they have become the dominant theme in American culture: in literature, advertising and all…
I was never an official manager, but I often led small project teams of half a dozen or so. One time around two of the team were unpleasant people; one was brash and the other never showered, at least as far as I could tell. We got a new project and in a flash of inspiration I assigned the two of them to work together…
I’m not sure it counts as pop culture, but this weekend I began rereading Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) for the umpteenth time. Written in 1889 by the improbably-named Jerome K. Jerome it is a very engaging and funny comic novel chronicling a boating expedition on the Thames by three friends in a…
My wife and I once rented a cottage on Hilton Head Island. The guest book said to watch out for “Alvin”, an alligator who lived in the adjacent swampy area. We looked out back and sure enough there he was, swimming around the pond like he owned the place. Which of course he did.