Fellow Albertan here: It seems Kenney want to Make Alberta Great Again! He should have some hats made up or something.
Fellow Albertan here: It seems Kenney want to Make Alberta Great Again! He should have some hats made up or something.
Slow news day, eh?
Raph probably calls it a Nine-hundred-and-eleven...
I just became a fan of Kristen Lee.
While I do not know exactly where that photo was taken, I’m fairly positive that there is no car wash nearby.
Car Bros are my new favouritest thing ever.
CP - Come to Canada and buy this one instead - http://www.kijiji.ca/v-cars-trucks/edmonton/passat-w8-awd-great-condition/1217973232?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true - 173 000 km (107 000 mi) and $5900 CAD. Yeah it’s an automatic, but way less dope, yo!
Solid foundation, but what if instead of being can shaped, the food was smaller, small enough to fit in your mouth all at once. The bagel idea is great, but make it small and filled with deliciousness! You could call them Bagel Bites (Nope! “internet research” tells me that it’s taken) or Hot pockets (Again, Nope!…
“I am from Silverlake and therefore I don’t give a damn!”
“I was eager to take it for a test drive, and really indicate the shit outta some turns” - This is probably the greatest thing i have ever read on Jalopnik. Thank-you for this.
Unless you’re Canadian...
Is haptic feedback new to iOS?
I can’t unsee the rubber ducky