
Thieves Like Us for the win 

Speaking of donations, let’s have another new season of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

What's the deal with this Plemons chap?

He should have made another violent low-budget gangster picture instead.

What about Troast?

Mulaney not being funny might have something to do with it.  Dude isn't likable.  Maybe he should stick to writing?

A lot of people didn't like With Bob and David on Netflix years ago now, not exactly memorable.

Wow, I'm older than this dude.  That said, I surprisingly kind of liked the episode.

Dude, Jon Lovitz is the greatest SNL cast member of all time.  Dude!

She tries way too hard to be like Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull.

Blair Witch was a bad flick.  Let's do a remake of Let's Scare Jessica to Death instead.

This is getting heavy.

He is referring to the competitive world of the 1880's British Dancehall scene.

What about Ronnie Rocket??

Snuggling sells.

Is John Mulaney like Lenny Bruce for boring people?

It is my assumption that she initially signed up for a large cash sum, and then later, a further percentage of the profits what are sometimes referred to as royalties, old chap.

“And though something deep inside of me wishes to revolt against it...this is how I’d like to remember Barbie...on the battlefield of life itself”.

With a hypnotic psychedelic soundtrack provided by Popol Vuh.

Whatever.  Godzilla Minus One should win all the awards.