Mungo Shuntbox

Garrett may take the blame for this but in the end the real problem is with the owner.

Until Jones lets go and Garrett is gone the Cowboys will never see another SB.

The Germans were ahead in rockets, but not in jets. While the first German jets flew a few months before the British version, the engine itself was junk; it need a complete rebuild after every flight and was a design dead-end; whereas the straight evolutionary line from the Rolls-Royce Trent, then Derwent, then Nene,

Your story is literally the first time I have ever heard Yeager described as anything other than him being an epic asshole.

Well, didn’t he play Spade’s dad in a few episodes of Just Shoot Me?

Polar, no two ways about it. This was their summer lineup. Excited to see what the fall brings

Polar, no two ways about it. This was their summer lineup. Excited to see what the fall brings

It just seems mean to include both Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon in this film, as it will be a constant reminder of how much better they would have been as Holmes and Watson.


Different people have different language skills. Some never lose their accents even after decades of leaving in another country. Some perfectly pick up the accent with the language as they learn it. I always assumed he was taught English by native speakers and they were American and that’s where he picked up the

I don’t know why we’re all supposed to pretend she’s a good singer. I can’t listen to her in Sweeney Todd, and I hate her warbly grandma-voice version of Beauty and the Beast. 

Angela Lansbury. I will often follow this revelation with, “she knows what she’s done” for comic effect, but of course Angela Lansbury doesn’t know I exist. But I know *she* exists, and she bugs me.


Now playing

This whole bit is gold but the “Inappropriate Response Channel” is one of the best things ever made in human history.

You don’t have to say “gin martini,” because gin is the default; it’s the vodka-preferrers who should have to specify “vodka martini” and who are just plain wrong to have a problem being served gin if they just say “martini.”

Downton Abbey is pretty unanimously considered reactionary trash in Britain, but for some reason that reputation never quite crossed the pond. I remember off-handedly referring to it as politically repugnant on facebook and getting a lot of shit from people who thought it must be progressive because... ??? (maybe

The Steelers should give Le’Veon his money and shut their pie holes.

We’re going to build Hadrian’s Wall, and the Picts are going to pay for it.

Me too!

Jimmy Bennett is reportedly filing a sexual assault allegation against Asia Argent

B:TAS has the best voice contrast between Bruce and Batman (Fuck you, Bale-man), actually focused on his detective work more often than than his kick-punching, and presented the character and all his allies and rogues with such intelligence that it’s probably the genuine reason why so few fans have support for

I’ve been saying this for years: Fuck fans. You don’t own shit, you didn’t do shit, you’re just a customer. You don’t like the product anymore, go shop somewhere else. You’re not entitled to a goddamn thing.