
OMG - I get it now.
He’s Black.
He calls himself “Kang”.
Fucking Disney.

I don’t care how many albums Kanye has made or how many awards he has received, when it comes to someone trashing Black folks, he’s got to go. Nobody should get a “pass” just because they are Black and famous or Black and rich. Just like Candace Owens was kicked to the curb by Black folks, Kanye should join her.

It’s fucking bonkers. Right-wing American Zionists like Sheldon Adelson and those bought by AIPAC have directly given rise to the mainstreaming of antisemitism and actual Neo-Nazism in the US.

“..very conservative Jewish folk who tolerate all sorts of bad behavior from politicians because of Israel or something.”

As a Jewish person, I wouldn’t go patting the broader Jewish community on the back. There are plenty of very conservative Jewish folk who tolerate all sorts of bad behavior from politicians because Israel or something. Like I have Jewish relatives whose parents were Holocaust survivors who don’t think twice about

Did Perry just compare himself to a one of the greatest Black woman authors?
Also, I don’t know what he’s talking about because unlike he and Spike, Hughes and Hurston were very good friends and collaborators up to the point of them working The Mule-Bone project which was never finished. But that’s what Perry does. He

And to the land. Malama o ka ‘aina!

I had no idea, and I’m sorry if I offended you in any way. I’m sure the incident wrecked him.

Oh, come on, people. Markle wrote an article

Dude, not funny. My dad used to be a paparazzo, until he saw someone die in a terrible one-car accident involving a Mercedes-Benz S280 sedan.

“But now that she really knows how badly Black women are treated, what does she plan to do about it?”

I agree. The idea that this incredibly smart educated woman was not aware of the racism darker skin women receive is beyond preposterous. Anyone who has seen her mother would never say anything that stupid.

Princess Di? More like Princess DIED!

A GI Jane and an OJ joke, is this guy still living in the 90s

Now that is some thinly veiled, very tart haterade. One can be racially ambiguous, and aware of their privilege at the same time, these things are not mutually exclusive. Was she supposed to turn down roles because of how she appears or presents?! Chiiiiiile.

Rock’s next comedy set will be jokes about the Iran Contra Affair and Ollie North. Rock will be wearing a Max Headroom Tshirt, Adidas Shelltops and flat top while impersonating a movie he just saw called ‘The Terminator’. Free Geritol and Ducilax shots to audience members before midnight!

In the medical profession, at least from my experience in MH, employers do put restrictions on the types of things you can post to social media. They have also been known to monitor employees accounts. When I started at the local psych hospital, the staff warned me to set everything to private and tag to be approved

She was doxxed by a Black woman, Isheka Harrison. Her employer did not like the attention that was focused on them after this went viral.

So...a licensed professional counselor who by her account is a therapist whose patients are Black males with serious mental disorders she’s been treating for years, breathlessly stitches a TikTok talking about the Psychology Today article on the “rise of lonely single men”, calling out the podcasts catering to the

“Viewers who were upset with Rawls’ tough talk took action.”