
Note: Moïse is the one I’m referring to when speaking of supplying weapons to gangs, not Biden.

There was a literal virtual Hearing with the House of Foreign Affairs Committee a few days ago spearheaded by Black women like Emmanuela Douyon of the activist group Nou Pap Dòmi addressing the actions of the International community as well as Biden administration’s support of the Moïse regime that is massacring

Let’s be real. Speaking generally, any of those folks relying on this story with Meghan as proof that Britain’s colonial ties need to be shed wholesale is engaged in very strange historical revisionism, given the wealth of evidence that’s existed (and still does) for centuries. Especially when Meghan would probably not

“This historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country and giving the people of this nation, working people, the middle class folks, people who built the country a fighting chance,” Biden said when signing the bill.”

I knew the writing was on the wall way back with that One United Bank partnership.

2021 is really trying to look like 2020: Reloaded.

There are some good docs and interviews on this kind of stuff but they’re not as popular or mainstream right now. Aaron Maté did a good interview recently with Daoud Andre of Komokoda, and there are a lot of other Ayisyen activists working with journalists who collaborate with each other like those in the Haiti Info

Yeah, it’s really no coincidence that even when coverage of Ayiti comes up, it’s usually about the nation being in “crisis” or some kind of “instability”. Even the political issues Ayiti does have are nuanced and in this case a result of Moïse’s completely foreign-enabled destabilization, and other privately-supported

This is awesome.

VERY long story: a tyrant (Jovenel Moïse) who has connections to foreign and elite private interests and essentially was installed into Ayiti’s office through fraud like Martelly was has been brutalizing, arresting, and assassinating activists, public citizens - including lawyers and students- using gangs that have

Btw, Noname tweeted in support of Ayiti’s tens of thousands of protestors today, who mobilized and told Helen La Lime - who lied and said only around 3000 Ayisyens were protesting Moïse - that she couldn’t count.

One of the biggest protests happened today in Port Au Prince against a US and UN-backed puppet’s regime who is literally trying to replicate the Duvalier dictatorship and has assassinated, imprisoned, and brutalized people, and y’all wrote a vapid-azz piece on “Slavery Yoga”?

I’m glad the hardest part’s over for her. Kids mocking hers with that shyt really bothers me. And thank goodness she’s staying away from relaxers given how damaging those can be to hair as well. 

She literally never planned to. That’s a rumor someone made up completely that the media ran with.

WaPo’s been on my shyt list for a while now, so this doesn’t surprise me. 

So two journalists were shot after “political” meetings were banned and activists and demonstrators went to Port-Au-Prince in protest of this yesterday. Alvarez Destiné was reportedly shot in the hand and Meus Jeanril was shot in the stomach. Moïse has done everything to erode what is clearly established in Ayiti’s

It’s so transparent that Moïse would fix his mouth to claim a coup happened on the day his term ostensibly ended according to the Constitution, as numerous other policy experts other than just the “Opposition”, the very fucking Bar Federation  included, has noted when weighing in on the matter. And of course people

He came to the conclusion later on that you couldn’t simply educate racism out of folks who benefited from its privileges and that violent riots served an important social function in classist and racially-demarcated societies despite his personal feelings about them, so the answer I think requires nuance and agency

These kinds of regressive opinions are way too common in this country unfortunately, so I’m not surprised. That said, I doubt she’ll lose her role for this fuckup and she shouldn’t.
 Disney literally has an actress - Carano - who pushed to keep places open rather than adhere to social distancing mandates still employed

I played the mess out of Isolation. That thing was too damn smart. I wish they would’ve cut the main campaign down some because there are some iconic parts they could’ve ended it at way earlier without it feeling so dragged out later on.