Marcia Walden

English “law”? I think not. If I were the queen I would step back from this uppity nonsense in light of the fact that the “monarchy” is dying a slow death. This is the 21st century and fairytales of queens and kings has been played out. I have a feeling that once the queen is laid to rest Charles will end this


I feel the same way...gutted. I can honestly say that while I appreciate my blessings I can’t fully enjoy what I have, or the beauty of my world around me, unless, and until, the world works for everyone. I used to think it was Catholic I realize it’s how we should feel as decent human beings. We are our

How did most of his words make it to his turtle beak? He has no soul, he’s an empty suit. You can see it in his eyes. As he always loves to say when it comes to any bill presented by liberals: it doesn’t even pass the laugh test. Nor does the foul human waste of Mitch McConnell. I’d enjoy watching him choke to death

So is Jim Bakker. Not to mention the entire religious community of fake “Christians” who approve of trump. Anything to make money for these horrible people falls under the category of “God’s will”. 

Wow! Did you ever miss the point on this whole thing. 😳 🤦🏻‍♀️

No it does not! Love the food reference. 👍🏻

AMEN! And I mean that in the most non-religious way. This shit is downright evil! 


Your point? 

I absolutely respect and admire a person who admits when they’re wrong! And apologizes for it. Kudos to you. You will be one we should celebrate next week during the Character Counts week...seriously. 👏🏻

Agreed! We need to deny violent Antifa from ruining our peaceful protests...and innocent people’s business and streets. I was appalled seeing the in Berkeley last weekend.

I disagree with violence from either side BUT I’m not willing to toss Antifa into the same pig sty with Neo-Nazi’s and white supremacists. One side is pushing hate and bigotry, and the other is fighting hate and bigotry. Big difference. Having said all that though, I am very angry watching Antifa picking up barriers

Boy, ain’t that the truth! I’m appalled at some of the things people are saying out there. Good article, thanks.

Tony, no one is curbing their rights to speak and assemble. In America you can say any foul thing you like right up until it incites violence. And while these people are suffering negative consequences it’s not coming from a govt/legal standpoint. Other American citizens are exercising their right to shutting down