
Did you miss the “...if one insists on judging killer whales in human terms...” and “Once you start applying human ethical standards to apex predators, things turn dark fast”? Those were in the quotes you included in this very article, right before writing “... characterizes the whole species as ‘sadistic jerks’

25 is grown.

People’s 41-year-old Sexiest Man Alive has a 25-year-old girlfriend.

The rona has passed over, those that are going to be vaccinated have gotten the shot. Its time to come outside again friend. you did you job, its time to relax.

And sometimes people cheat because they’re miserable in their relationships and the person they’re with is an asshole but they’re not quite miserable enough to leave unless something horrible happens, or they meet someone who reminds them what is possible in a relationship.

i see you used the “fat” girl for the spotlight photo of an exercise beginner

Brie Larson is also a huge fan of the Fast&Furious movies:

100% April fools.

there’s one glaring problem: No one should have to tell their employer in any way that they need an abortion! Citi workers wouldn’t need to inform their direct supervisor what they’re doing, but they would need to submit sick days for approval, pay for the travel and abortion up front, then submit for reimbursement,

Actually, I don’t think there is anything sweet about Kanye’s public pleas for Kim to do as he wants. The man has been told no. He’s using the public forum (which I suspect puts a lot of pressure on Kim because she appears so image conscious) like a weapon. He can suck it. He was a crummy husband. He needs to move on

Speaking only for myself, its resemblance to a boob isn’t what bothers me. I just think it looks tacky and faux-antique. 

All of this sounds like someone who doesnt work in an office.  No one gives a shit about any of these things.  No one is laughing at the Olds for saying Presentation instead of Slide Deck.

Is this comment from the future?

This is exactly how they teach you how to operate the clutch in motorcycle classes, even having the term friction zone.
And yes, I do know that the way you utilize the clutch in a car vs motorcycle is a little different, but the concept of how it works and how you get the vehicle moving is the same.

I dunno, maybe its just me, but I think I’d appreciate a partner checking in on how we’d done this week/month/year...

This is just lazy.

Yes, please let’s not let this discussion devolve into kink-shaming. Manson is not a BDSM practioner of any kind. He’s a violent abusive whackjob. Period. EVR was not an informed, consenting partner, she was the victim of multiple crimes. There is no blurred line here.