
This is every reason I couldn’t tolerate the Peloton classes. The instructors all seem like they are auditioning for something. One class was supposed to be highlighting live music and instead had the instructor singing along to almost every song in between advertisements for upcoming concerts with venue and date infor

I would really hate to think I’m the same person I was 14 years ago. People can’t change *for* other people easily, but they sure as shit can change over time. I don’t see anything gross or disrespectful about it. I think you can have a deep and meaningful relationship with someone without it diminishing the others

yeah but like don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, right?

The risk factor would be having *someone* on top that you are penetrating. Not specific to women or vaginas. 

this is 100% going to be used to block friends of your partner to cheat on him/her/them

How often is this coming up that you need to explain it in such detail? Like what is the harm in someone confusing the two besides not satisfying your need to make it clear that you are a competitive athlete and not just lifting for recreation? Doesn’t the fact that you are competing in something in the first place

Group sex, in a safe and accepting setting, is some of the most fun I’ve had in my life. Definitely recommend a club scene where it is a larger group vs. a threesome. Particularly if you are the can just get weird quickly.

Does this change at all if you use them as wrist weights? What about a weighted vest? I’m a sucker for fitness doodads. Recently got a 10lb bala ring that I actually love and I’ve been trying to find a better way to use my 2lb bala ankle/wrist weights.

I get that it seems a bit sterile or forced. And maybe they are full of shit and hate each other. But coming from a bad marriage with poor communication—I say anything is better than nothing. I also strongly feel that anyone’s communication with a partner, when shared publicly, is inherently cringeworthy. I have

there is so much to make fun of them for—he takes part of the interview in a hyperbaric chamber!—but healthy communication in a relationship ain’t it

I agree that this guy is a piece of shit and probably representative of many country music stars. But this article is basically just a single tweet from another singer to support the theory. Like, there are tons of articles written on the topic of racism in country music that could have supported the Maren Morris

They weren’t asking “is rape bad”’s more nuanced. And anonymous. So yeah with studies like these you do have to kind of accept what the participants tell you. And it’s completely different from a public statement addressing an accusation of rape and abuse, where there is an obvious reason to lie about consent

Come on. Affirmative consent is an integral part of BDSM and studies have shown that BDSM communities have less rape-supportive beliefs than the general public:

It is an unfair position. Abuse is shameful. But acting on fantasies or personal fetishes—bondage, age differences, whatever—with proper consent and boundaries and communication is completely different.

Sure, this guy sucks. What he is doing is abuse. It bears absolutely no relevance to BDSM.

I mean, I get that that is a personal preference of yours. I just want to acknowledge that there are plenty of trustworthy men who engage in such activities in a consenting situation. And plenty of women who might not be trustworthy. There is so much more to it than simulating hurting someone. 

I get that you may have a personal preference to avoid BDSM dynamics in a relationship but in the right relationship and setting it can be very loving and not at all something to mistrust. Not every guy into BDSM is a psychopath. Just like every women who is on the receiving end isn’t naive and being manipulated.

Couldn’t agree more. And, like, we all know the furniture doesn’t come with the house right? It’s like complaining about the wig a mannequin is wearing as a reason why you wouldn’t buy the outfit it is displaying.

So ... “power valence”?

Recently separated and my soon to be ex voted Trump. Bullet dodged.