
He didn’t intentionally wreck his 100k car into his own house. He did it by accident and then figured he could pin it on Tesla and make a pretty penny while avoiding a hike in his insurance rate.

Hey another awesome game for audio-testing is Rainbow Six Siege. There was some wonkiness from the game’s end when it released but they’ve sorted it out. The sound is so integral to the gameplay, I think more than any other game. Hunkered in the objective area you can hear all the gadgets whirring and the soundscape

I have never been a fan of Porche, or the 911, but every time I see a Singer I 100% percent fucking get it. They are SO MARVELOUS. THE COLORS. THE INTERIORS. THE LINES. THE LACK OF COMPROMISE. hnnnng.

I paid $15,500 for a 2007 B7 S4 with 72K on the clock. I love it more than I’ve ever loved an inanimate (technically) object. That said I have paid about $4,500 in repairs since picking it up in April.

KIA apparently is no longer satisfied with being the mark that makes the most cars that I ‘Not-bad’ face at and now wants to make cars I’d actually consider buying. KIA!!! I drive a V8 Audi and yet I feel the faintest tug..

100% blatantly sexist. I can’t get on board with the danger notion though.. there’s a really easy way to tell if a driver is a man, or a women, or old, or young, or many other characteristics BY LOOKING THROUGH THE FUCKING WINDOW. Or, Christ, by a bumper-sticker, or novelty vehicle item.  

Great tip! Just followed some links to your past articles about HUDs and frankly I couldn’t agree more, it’s something I feel passionate about. My little gaming clan and I for years have disabled our HUDs in almost any game we can, greatly increasing immersion, and forcing you to use more creative thinking and