MvM: The Dawn of Martha

There was an interview with Patrick Stewart (Rolling Stone, around the time DoFP came out I believe), where he talks about meeting the producer's for the first Xmen movie. They showed him an issue of Xmen and he asked "why am I in a comic book", not realising there was a character that looked just like him.

He was unavailable that day, so the prototype for his action figure was used in his place.

No one knows what it means, it's just provocative.

Fifty was billed as being the next "2pac or Biggie" when he came out. He ended up being an ok rapper, who courted pop as much as anyone, despite being a "gangsta", and used the strong production and support he got from Eminem and Dre. And of course he rode his reputation for having been shot 9 times. One thing he

You're right on it being Aziz Ansari who tells the story.

It's 2017, shouldn't the movies be able to nominate and award themselves by now?

I feel like by the time the sequel comes out, any interest in it will be gone. Despite it's ridiculous levels of success, I don't hear people ever talk about this movie like they do any other big franchise, and I don't ever hear people clamouring for a sequel like they would had there been such a wait for any other

I'd imagine this is just a start in terms of who will be there. Typically there is a second day, with a completely different artist as the headliner. For example in the past it has been Outkast, or Wiz Khalifa and Snoop, etc. There is also usually surprises, because so many big artists are already in town for

Some of the reviews are there are a little more positive so hopefully it's not too bad.

There's been some good video's with this album. Not sure which one is best. This one had some great visuals, though at a few points I didn't feel the editing had a flow that matched the song well.

It's funny, it's the song I like the least on the album. I feel like the album loses it's flow and momentum at that point. Maybe I'm the odd one here.

But who shot first?

But he got married at the end of the 40 Year Old Virgin and had sex on his honeymoon. Are you suggesting despite marriage he didn't get lucky again for 15 years….yeah, I guess that's married life for you, am I right fellas?

Wait, but I thought he was gay? I mean, why else did they make that "I now pronounce you chuck and larry" documentary? I only assume it was a documentary due to the lack of laughs, in what must have been deemed a serious subject matter.

Fun Fact: In Iron Man 3, Tony ends up in a small town, with only a broken Iron Man suit. He befriends a kid who very coincidentally has a garage filled with the technology needed to help him build weapons and fix his suit. The kid helps him get back and running, and though he ribs the kid, he ultimately fixes up the

Annie's boobs. But not the monkey this time.

It was a 64 on Metacritic. So that would put it below the better movies in the MCU, but on par or better than much of the second tier films (ie, First Avenger, Iron Man 2 and 3, and much better than both Thor movies).

Hard to say. Jon Favreau could have been argued to have been a weird choice to kick off their first film in the MCU, Joss Whedon was unproven cinematically, and they gave him their biggest film to that point. James Gunn was definitely an out of left field choice, just like giving a big movie to the guys who directed

I'd have to agree. It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't a great one either. Kind of generic. I know people like to complain that the MCU is a little paint by numbers and follows a formula. I think this is one of those movies. There is a little humour, probably hold overs from Edgar Wright's original script, and

Yes and no. Frozen has made more money, but it was co-directed by a man and a woman. So really, it's gross should be cut in half. Also, probably should take the woman's half and multiply by 77% to properly incorporate a wage gap.