MvM: The Dawn of Martha

If I had to say there is a core, and I'd rather not, I'd say its Rae, Ghost, Method, Genius, Deck and RZA's production. ODB as great as he is, was only used sparingly after 36 Chambers (in large part due to legal troubles, and then ultimately his death), he was a nice spark of fun, but not always necessary for a good

Wasn't that Cobra Commander's right hand man?

Wait what? Is she not too young anymore? When did we get permission to sexualize her?

Somehow cartoonish villainy doesn't seem as bad when shown against actual villainy.

I think you are selling them short. They weren't midgets but rather clones. Clones are particularly an under-represented community. Also I just realized my own unintentional pun.

TBH I thought they were following the Super Mario convention of going from Jurrassic Park 3 to Jurassic World. The next step was supposed to be Jurassic Land, and be filmed entirely in a Game Boy spinach green colour.

It's funny I went there a few years ago and they was so much Community merchandise, and they had it out front as a selling point, despite the fact the show had been cancelled by them. It was funny that they must have realised that there were a lot of fans of that show and it'd be a selling point, even if the network

Sticking with NBC I really enjoyed Trail & Error. I thought it had a good Arrested Development (and maybe more so, Parks & Rec) vibe to it.

Is Great News any good? Of the Thursday shows, that's the only one I haven't seen but thought there was a good reception to that one.

My family enjoyed the Peanuts movie they made, even if it was basically a greatest hits compilation.

I'd add, that DC had her movie out as the 4th film in their extended Universe (introducing her in the second). Marvel will have their first female-lead film in their Cinematic universe around film 20 (did a quick count in my head, I'm sure I'm wrong). They had a lot of opportunity to build to it, and haven't done

I was always surprised there wasn't a sequel. I know many main characters died, but they still could have developed a new cast of characters.

He just seems to be pretty active on Twitter regardless.

Yeah, I remember thinking around Van Wilder, that if they ever forces a Fletch reboot on us, Ryan Reynolds or Jason Lee (thinking of his characters and how he played them in the Kevin Smith movies) would work.

Maybe 4:44 will list out in more detail problems 4 to 44, saving 45 to 99 for another album. I can only assume 1 to 3 will be like a bonus track or mixtape or something.

It's funny, the original version of Bad Blood has much of the same pieces in place, yet is far less catchy. The version with Kendrick (which I also admit was remixed), but this version is far more catchy and all and all just a better song. Outside of the chorus, it's pretty much all Kendrick verses. I don't think

Okay, maybe I'm missing something, but it's two movies. The biggie one and now a Pac one. I'm kind of confused how two movies is "keep insisting on going back to those two?". I mean am I missing another movie that did these characters? The NWA one only featuered a cameo of 2pac so I would count that.

TBH, as a rap fan, I enjoyed reading the list.

I always thought that his life sounded interesting, and that there was a good movie to be made there. So it's too bad we get this low-rent Straight out of Compton. Instead of accomplished directors and writers, we get a guy who never translated beyond music videos. i think they assumed, virtually by the success of

It's kind of sad that here she is, a very smart, funny, beautiful woman, and her most notable work is voice-over work, a retread day-time talk show (I'm told the Talk is a less annoying the View) and "oh, i know her, she was on Friends". Just too bad nobody has been able to use her to her full potential.