
Monsanto suing farmers over cross-pollination is a myth that frequently pops up as an anti-GMO trope despite widespread debunking. There was a case in Canada where Monsanto sued a farmer who, for a variety of complicated reasons, ended up with a crop of canola that was 95% Roundup resistant. But the only other case

There’s a few apps that do this but all rely on an estimate of everyone’s hourly rate. I remember back in the ‘80s an ad for a clock for meeting rooms that when everyone entered the room, they keyed in their hourly pay rate (secretly). Then the clock kept a running total of the cost of the meeting for everyone to see.

Actually antibiotics are never prescribed prophylactically for burns because all that will happen is that bacteria resistant to that antibiotic will grow. The reason that this would be helpful in burn patients is because it is very difficult to monitor burns for signs of infections developing. That requires removing

I had a chemistry teacher in high school who made this once or twice a year. He’d put the still-damp filter paper with the nitrogen trioxide collected on it into the wastebaskets in hallways near his classroom. When the bell rang and the hallways filled with people, someone would inevitably bump into the wastebaskets,