
Gave $20 to a stripper on my friends birthday and asked her to make him feel special. She took the money, told me to fuck off and I never saw her again.

Lol don't get too comfortable, all religious building will be re-furbished into businesses or other better uses soon enough, religions is losing like 10 percent of followers every 5 years now....Do the right thing and move past religion!

You know what will make me angrier? The double standard of the media. Ignoring all the black on white crime. Those stories rarely get past the local level and then they use code words. There was a white female cop that had just got back from maternity leave and was gunned down a couple weeks ago. Two other cops were

I’m mixed race, grew up in the south, it was a blast. I mean that with scathing sarcasm. One thing I learned is this: there is racial hatred on both sides, and if you happen to exist on both sides, you’ll get it from everyone. It sucks, but that’s what it is. Racism fuels so much, but it’s not a good guy, bad guy

Where? Even Bill O’Reilly called it a racist terrorist attack.

Ummmm... Who's making excuses? I haven't seen anyone, anywhere call the attack anything other than a deranged white racist killing black people for his own political ends.

Good point about the 401k match. And bonuses are sometimes based on a percentage of salary, too, so even a “small” bump can end up being more than one realizes.

Fight through that silence when you make your salary pitch. They will wait for you to back down, and it works more often than it doesn’t. Don’t fall for it.

After interviewing, the HR recruited called with an offer. When he mentioned the salary, I said that it was a tad low considering the industry and my education and experience. He asked what I wanted. I mentioned the number I had in my head, which was “only” a couple thousand more than offered. He said he would look

No self defense Concealed Weapons? I am disappointed.

Didn't expect that. Good advice. The other foolproof way is to switch companies. If you get turned down for a raise you'll probably be offended and start looking anyway. Don't put in your notice until you land the next job. And better yet, don't ask for that raise until you land the next job. If they say no, then you

This legit happened to me - I was on the window and another girl was on the aisle, with the Orthodox gentleman assigned to the middle seat...on something like a 12 hour flight. What was crazy is that he just wanted one of us to give up our prime seats so he didn’t have to sit between two women. This girl and I

Female air marshals.

Flying on a plane with your period is just irresponsible. You want to attract flying bears? Because that’s how you attract flying bears.

When I was a F/A I heard some stories of Hasidic men asking the flight attendants if they were “dirty” meaning on their periods on flights to Tel Aviv. Apparently the men cannot accept service items from “dirty” women. Most F/A’s would answer that they were absolutely on their period.

On behalf of all women and also all flight attendants everywhere FUCK YOU GUYS!

“Failing that, maybe verbally abusive people throwing adult tantrums in the aisles should be removed from the plane?”

Frankly, I think it’s just stunningly childish and irresponsible that these people would get on airplanes without up to date Cooties vaccinations in the first place.

“The principal told Love that it wasn’t anything personal”

I have no problems with you running an article on someone generally seen in a bad light these days because that doesn’t invalidate “lessons” that you can learn from his life, but is there a line here? Will we eventually be seeing Adolf Hitler’s best productivity tips?