In related news: single woman have been recording answering machine or voicemail messages stating “WE can’t come to the phone right now...” for so long many of you don’t have an answering machine and never did.
In related news: single woman have been recording answering machine or voicemail messages stating “WE can’t come to the phone right now...” for so long many of you don’t have an answering machine and never did.
I’m wondering if we have to disconnect and reconnect the account?
Yeah, same here. It only recognizes my Verizon bill.
My boost has already been set up and it doesn’t seem to see Netflix. Any idea on how to add that?
Just want to reiterate that there is NOTHING in the ADA itself that allows you to enter a place with mask requirements maskless. I just have to accommodate you...not let you in. I CAN accommodate you by offering you curbside service. So yes, I can say “give me your list and I will pick the items from the shelf, run…
With a service animal, you CAN ask what specific function the animal is trained to assist with. EVERY reauthorization has tightened up service animal requirements, and mental health dogs are no longer included in most public places as allowable. (States may have their own laws re: this though that are looser.)
Heck, I thought this was about work performance. Now that I know it’s about clothing, Double Nope!
This is article is actually just bad advice.
My rule is to not compliment people at work.*
The shelf gun safes I’ve seen use a specially encoded magnetic key. This might not be a specifically designed gun safe but they do make them with that design. It’s actually a great way to keep a gun away from kids and thieves alike-- it’s high up off the ground so even if a kid gets ahold of dad’s key somehow, it’s…
The shelf gun safes I’ve seen use a specially encoded magnetic key. This might not be a specifically designed gun…
That may be a picture of a product designed for gun storage which uses specially encoded magnetic “keys” to lock, it looks just like one of their models, though the model I’ve seen opens down not out they might have more than one.
That may be a picture of a product designed for gun storage which uses specially encoded magnetic “keys” to lock, it…
Only one gun compartment? Come on. Both should have gun compartments.
Only one gun compartment? Come on. Both should have gun compartments.
My cellphone repair/tech store was looted. Its small but they took everything even broken phones, my executive fridge, tablets, coffee maker, cameras.. my wallet. Somethings they just threw on the sidewalk! I understand the cause but there were 20-30 people men women teenagers, even a guy with a kid. Sorry all african…
Worth checking out I suppose. But, also hard to ignore the visuals of streams of POC of all ages streaming out of stores with arms loaded-up with looted merchandise. Very sad and unweaves some people’s sympathies.
That’s the one that hurt. Why waiting tables is seen as a job for the lowest of the low. I would say at least half of the staff I worked with were students or mothers trying to pay their bills. Yes, you can get some shady people working in restaurants but the majority of people are just trying to make ends meet and…
If your food is taking awhile, it’s okay to ask the server what’s going on, but don’t blame them. Usually, the kitchen fucked up or is just generally backed up. The server is just as annoyed as you are that your food isn’t ready.
Been since the late 2000s that I worked in a restaurant but....
Hugging your co-workers seems like a big no-no to me. I am not sure if this because I am generally not a hugger or because law is generally more formal/conservative than a lot of other work places. I am pretty sure I normally shake the hands of my co-workers no matter the gender. One thing I have been think about…
This brings up an interesting point that I’ve always observed. In my purely anecdotal experience working with clients, I always make it a point to shake their hand out of respect, women included. I’d say seven out of ten women I go to shake hands with, have no idea what to do. I’ll reach out my hand and you see this…