
I'm only #TeamAmber as she just came to Trinidad for Carnival and seemed to have a blast and it put our speck of a rock in the spotlight. Plus her shade is on point! (this from a frequent Kardashian defender)

After reading Gone Girl, I don't trust no broad that says she's a cool girl.

The "old-school train of thought" seems to be that you have to suffer before you attempt to succeed. I remember the first time I heard this phrase. I worked with a group of people on a big engineering project, and we were expected to stay at work until six or seven in the evening, even though there wasn't anything to

"Paying your dues" is pointless suffering. If you have to "pay your dues" to advance in your career, you have a crappy manager.

Which is why you need to look at your knowledge and skills NOT what others say as to "paying your dues". Are you a real expert in your field? Do you regularly cross check your knowledge to make sure you are right? do you also work hard to help others get up to speed and gladly slow down to help others that are not

You're kind of a scumbag.

If you can't fix 'em, you might as well do what makes you happy regarding 'em. I say good for this couple, and hell, I'd put out false word about a venue just in case they do show up anyway, all entitled and la-di-dah. You really have to set firm boundaries with narcissists, and often they'll ignore those boundaries

The bride and groom will have to shout so that the entire ceremony can hear their vows, because they dropped the mic so hard that it broke.

If (no WHEN!) I graduate with my PhD, I'd like to send a similar card to my father and stepmother. Because I'm awesome, which took me YEARS to figure out after dealing with their emotional and verbal abuse for years until I freaking moved out at 16. Of course, they would simply interpret it as my just being another

The only thing that would make this letter more utterly golden is if there were somehow a magical hand attached that would bitchslap the parents upon reading. This is amazing.

After being placed in my second foster home at age 14, I cut off all communication with my alcoholic mother. I didn't speak to her for the last 15 years of her life. My great-aunt (mother's father's sister) who always defended my mother regardless of the crap she put the rest of the family through, told me that

My brother has been a dick to me since we were ten. It started with simple sibling rivalry, but I grew out of it and he held onto it. I was in college before I had a girlfriend who he hadn't tried to turn against me. All of our mutual friends get earfuls about how I'm a terrible person, or that I mistreat women, or

At age 16, my uncle declared to my mom, in front of me, that "she didn't turn out to be as big of a bitch as I thought she would!" Like that's a compliment. That's what I call a turning point in a relationship - as in, I turned my back on that dick and cut him out of my life just like my abusive grandparents (his

I don't understand Nparent and Emother. Could someone illuminate?

My aunt and uncle - who I have thankfully cut out of my life about 3 years ago, when I was 27 - CONSTANTLY brought up the fact that, when I was in 3rd grade, they gave me their old checks to play with. Said checks were useless, as they had closed the account and thought the absolute best thing to do with them was to

And that's the real fear, not looking good.

Oh yes, I understand. I am apparently an awful person for because when I was 15 I didn't take my mother to the hospital after she fell. The fact that I actually wasn't there at the time does not seem to absolve me, as I eventually went home, and should have psychically known.

It doesn't require magazine articles, this exact thing will be happening in the comments within the half hour.

I have no doubt this invite was cheaper than therapy. I agree with you in a way, for nice normal little happy families who have their little spat, this would be ugly and loud. For someone who was abused for years, this may have been the best way to express their feelings and well deserved to the people who received

This is amazing. I hope they had the best wedding ever.