Coyote Dancer

Not a photo op. She served.

This. She was a fucking *mechanic* and military truck driver during WWII while she was still a princess. This has always been my favorite bit of trivia about her.

So the best thing would be if Cable continually blinks in and out of time, coming back as a different actor throughout the movie.

Dude. No. Everyone knows that the one true Riverdale pairing is Betty and Veronica.


Actually, I’m guessing that AG Sessions is a big proponent of HBCU or anything that is divided strictly by race.

I skimmed over your statement, so I originally thought you were proposing just flat out making the women themselves 7 feet tall with fusion cannons, defense matrix(es? however you spell it), boosters, and a self-destruct. Doesn’t matter; I can get behind the idea either way.

Perhaps we should start an organization to send mechs to women over there. I doubt the men will accuse or abuse them when they’re 7 feet tall, have fusion cannons, defense matrix, boosters, and most importantly a self destruct.

Can we already demand a cross over with Marvel’s Netflix shows just so we can see this? PLEASE?!

It’s cool, I’ll wig out for you.

I take solace that even monsters probably don’t want to wake her up at 6 am. I guess they could kill me quietly....

Or film Cable and Deadpool just sitting in a cafe discussing his entire backstory, in one three-hour long scene, the whole thing, all improvised to save budget, and release that as part of a five-hour long Extended Edition.

The Speed Force actually gives them resistance to kinectic impacts.

He faught Fing Fang Foom in Abscess, North Dakota and won by being eaten and cutting his way out.

Careful, comments like that need to be followed by quite a few winky eyes here on io9 to not be taken literally... ;) ;) ;)

“One minute it was Ohio winter, with doors closed, windows locked, the panes blind with frost, icicles fringing every roof, children skiing on slopes, housewives lumbering like great black bears in their furs along the icy streets.
And then a long wave of warmth crossed the small town. A flooding sea of hot air; it

I just think of them as Mall Santas ... they may not be him, but the represent him, and that’s good enough.

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to contribute to this article in time for deadline. I founded io9 because there was nothing else out there like it, and I wanted a place where I could find all the science and science fiction news that I craved. So I built io9 basically for my own personal needs. But then I discovered there

Stranger Things resonated with me much in the same way Ready Player One did, perhaps even more so because we experience the lives of these kids in the 80's firsthand.

Chance He’s Evil: 95%