Coyote Dancer

The moment he gets elected is the moment I realize, shit, I’m not in the main reality. I’m stuck in someone’s shitty nightmare dystopia.

Gooood Goooood, let the hate flow through you and pass the pie.

I’m assuming that Stan Lee gets them at Hanukkah?

I’m thinking it’s more that Mark Hamill is rubbing off on her, and she's messing with us XD. He messes with fans on Twitter all the time. That man is a treasure.

i guess if you’ve spent all the time and energy in intellectual pursuits required to reach the level of supreme court justice, it doesn’t seem adequate to just say, ‘reverse racism is made up nonsense and you’re just a talentless hack, fucko. go away.’

Yeah it's almost like if there's any hint of a conflict a SCOTUS Justice should recuse *cough Thomas cough*

Because she was Solicitor General when the DOJ filed a friend-of-the-court brief when Fisher was pending in the Fifth Circuit. SCOTUSblog says she would have been directly involved in the decision as well as the content of the brief.

With Chewitel Ejiofor as Fat Charlie and I dunno...maybe Mos Def as Spider?

If they really want to play off the books, the part of book 7 that comes *after* the author’s note to stop reading past a certain point should be in the post credits sequence.