
There is a difference between having your own opinions, and choosing to be an asshole on the internet however. And the fact the dev chose to make his rant in the game's patch notes, which is not what patch notes are for, yeah he sort of had this coming.

“by simply existing“? They literally go out of their way to provide several community and developer resources with no increase in cost to use their platform. Forums, streaming, infinite free distributable keys, workshop, developer pages, curators, community ran guides and extensive gamepad support with the ability to

If you had cloud saving available, then you would just download the ps4 version of the game to your Ps5. Tell the game to start the export process from the ps4 version. Launch the Ps5 version, import the ps4 save data. From there you can delete the ps4 copy f om your system and you should have your save now on the Ps5

Love the National Geographic Console

Love the National Geographic Console

As a budget alternative to the above controllers, if you have a spare android tablet or phone. Look into the free Deckboard app.

As a budget alternative to the above controllers, if you have a spare android tablet or phone. Look into the free

This is nice and all, but I want more quality of life changes for our own steam put so much out there to create this tagging system and have community driven features, but none of that is available right from our library screen. I’d love to search my own library by different community tags, like horror

Already have on PC and can run at max, but have an itch to play again, this might make me buy Doom again. Playing Doom while out, with a pair of headphones just sounds metal.

Psh, what’s next, 1v1 elimination style matches? Get it together Kaplan!

I actually have a copy of Mendel Palace for the NES. It’s honestly one of my favorite classic games to play especially for the Co-Op mechanic. For the longest time I never made the connection as to who the developer was.

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Sadly the one that sticks for me is Tenkaichi 1's opening. While not a bad opening, it has one scene in it towards the end where Goku and Vegeta are fighting and they share this very aggressive head-bob together midfight. It always creeped me out.

I don't know, Majora's Mask was pushing it (ex. older sister from Romani Ranch giving her younger sister alcohol to dull her senses before the moon hits Termina), I'd say that was pretty darn dark for Nintendo. Just including the name "Robin" into a game shouldn't hurt it at all.

Yeah, I'm quite baffled as to why, even for documentary purposes, would you go dig up games (which were literally thrown away at a dump) to prove they were there, when Atari acknowledges their existence at that specific landfill. Hell there's even a New York Times article republished online about it: Atari Parts Are

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Couldn't watch it without thinking of this game. xD