
you have very naive idea about Russia.

I am starting to think, all these all Mustan’crashes (I invenved new word) are some viral stunt. Like scary clowns... 

you won

maybe they used real planes instead of computer generated effects?

Whole article I was wondering (sort of wishing to): “When do I start feeling sorry for him?” Did not happen.

you are getting older, that is why you like cars for old people. nothing wrong with that. that car looks great. I am old too.

said the guy behind computer.

apparently all Skoda Suvs and Crossovers will be called according the pattern K****Q.

1st they removed round front lights, removed goofy funny cute friendly original genuine look and replaced that with uniform boring, we look all the same, brand look.

No, same as the engineers who designed Merc for Fangio are not the same blokes who designed car for Hamilton. What is your point actually? It is irrelevant that it was long time ago when Honda powerplants ruled the F1. Company like Honda’s engineering potential is not deprived by someone’s retirement. They have had

Honda are not idiots. They will get it right eventually. They know how to design winning engine. They did it before.

cool, so lets all buy tickets from the company that we all hated like 5minutes ago, because it is cheaper.

It is corruption for “services” done when in the office. Simple as that.

037 Stradale is the winner. Hands down.

walking is so underrated

reference time: 1969 F1 German GP fastest race lappole position (I know it is not exactly the same Ring) 7:43.8.

and to that good or bad?

Country rich in oil going bankrupt, state failing to keep operating its basic functions, people with no money, even if there some has some money, there is total shortage of basic goods to buy, properties are nationalized (reads as:stolen) by goverment.

Nobody needs motorcycle. Lets face it. Going into debt for something you do not need is stupid. Bike is not a house for your family nor university education.

Lotus once dominating, technically the most advanced team with the most design creativity from late 50s to late 80s (being on top of the game in 60/70s) had shrunken to insignificance very quickly.