
he is making 40mio/y. I think 39 of it is well deserved compensation for psychological damage. Maybe he deserves more. I really feel sorry for Alonso.

Leave him alone, he knows what he is doing.

ask Tavarish.

Thanks sir! I think you are onto something. Brilliant post.

this is really interesting disscussion and we are zeroing in onto notable cultural difference. I (and as far as I know lots of Europeans - do not want to generalize too much) - speaking of buying new - consider service costs as part of the price, I just demand to see in the dealership the service plan till 100k and

that is exactly what 99% of Germans would understand as routine maintenance. light goes on, you get it sorted straight away. (I would do the same, I would feel weird doing otherwise)

“as long as you service them exactly at the required interval”

That is not good.

yes, perhaps. If I drive that far as very many of you commute I might end up in other country :-)

I have never owned VW. I had Audi A3 (which is basically VW Golf) in 90s which was bulletproof and I clocked over 150k (kms) on in without any problems whatsoever.

man, that is ugly.

Why is this? VW is etalon of reliability in Europe. All cars are compared to its rival from VW (if such a car exists) here. Do they make their cars shittier for you over the pond?

That would be so cool if he joined list of F1 World Champions who won Indianapolis 500. Jim Clark, Graham Hill, Emerson Fittipaldi, Jacques Villeneuve...Ferna..lets wait.

I bet my pension that strip-down track edition without electronic assistants and without carpets, AC, radio and basically without lots of things will cost more that the version with those things.

oh dear, I did not know. I have just googled that. I had no idea it was demolished.

Let him buy it and then move Brazilian GP to Jacarepagu.

Vespa is the winner.

You need to have more philosophical approach:

if it would be launched at the same time as S, I would be OK with it.

wow, nice one.