
it is time to sell your stock. Period.

Really cool interface and definitely moving in the right direction. Can't wait to start using it on my computers.

They are going to feel the rude awakening one of these days... :)

I mean, seriously, this guy doesn't know social from a monkey juggling balls. He lacks social skills... period.

Ivan the "sticky big boy"


It is going to be free. They mentioned that today too.

Time to move on to better things.

Well, this is pretty cool, but how do you connect devices to it? it would be cool to eventually take your movie screen anywhere for viewing!

They are both now. :)

You don't have to read or reply to my postings, if you don't like what I have to say it is your problem.

You are right, noone is making me read Giz, and that's my choice and my choice is also to contribute if I see a "biased" article whenever I want.

The Google model works for people like you then and that's fine.

Obviously you like ads...

Selling hardware and selling licenses doesn't intrude into your personal life like "collecting data" does. People still don't see that every device that they make has a simple purpose, collect data on your usage for their advertising needs. They will keep putting stuff in front of you at your privacy expense and you

Why can't people understand that???

Google is not satisfied tracking you on the road and now they want to make sure to know what you are doing at home... everything you do, tracked, kept in databases, they'll know what you eat, what you drink, when you wake will know it all... and based on that, it will send you advertising to help you with your

I bet that if Google would have purchased Skype, just like in reality they were trying to do, then, there would have been fireworks all over the front page of Gizmodo with the title, the best deal ever! Google is going to rule the world! blah, blah, blah... I prefer to read my tech news from an unbiased source...

For Life! Isn't that a great deal? I love Google for that... Not. They think people are idiots.

Do you think Google does all that software to benefit you or to get people into their websites and advertising which are their biggest source of revenue for them? Learn, then speak.