
Yeah, that idiotic analogy is getting old...

What about traffic from the other side?

I likey black background

Done. IE9 installed on every machine.

You can buy BluRay these days for the price of a radio... so, no longer the must have like 3-4 years ago. Also, more and more content is now available as online content and no longer needed with a physical disk... just sayin'

One question... what is wrong with the blonde chick in the middle? She looks like she needs more fiber in her diet... just sayin'...

Maybe she meant to do that... did you see the video? I would be hiding too.

I don't understand why the "Microsoft employee..." as part of the title was necessary unless, someone was trying to troll his way around MS Bashing... Plus, what does this have anything to do with gadgets and technology? Running out of things to write Giz?

WP7 in the month of October updated all their WP7 users to Mango through the Zune Software. It went really smooth and no issues. I upgraded 3 phones without any problems.

I've got an idea for all of you... why don't you put a colorful rubber band around the phone and see if that fixes the problem with the battery? worked before... :)

I think Fez does the voice for Handy Manny in the Cartoon Network.

Are you blind? You obviously don't know anything about phones.

Try Xbox on your phone.

I personally think that the WP7 is a great phone and very easy to use. Not sure what you are really looking for.

If you are in kindergarden, have fun with Open Office, it would let you type letters and numbers nicely. If you are a professional, then MS Office will do just fine... enough said about this topic.

First of all, this store is located across the street from the largest college campus in Seattle...The University of, I'm not surprised that this is the case and the person running the video from the Stranger, should have known that as well. Some of you may remember college, when you had the

You are right, it may not have all the apps out there, but it is growing steadily. It is just a matter of time.

Maybe in your particular case, it won't work, but 99% of the people may. In your case, you probably need to have an external hardrive connected to your phone to make sure that you can get all your pictures done.