
I never got that mentality... if you’re only interested in the exciting visuals, why see a movie at all? You could just wait until someone uploads all the fight scenes and watch them on Youtube. If I’m actually going to go watch a film I’d like for the story to at least not be so bad that it distracts me from enjoying

I feel like people are watching these movies for all the wrong reasons. Like, turn off your fucking brain and enjoy the superhuman slugfest for what it is, and then turn your brain back on afterwards.

I’m Asian, so milk and dairy aren’t really big parts of my traditional diet. So going milkless requires very little by way of effort on my part. I grew up not even putting milk on my cereal (I hate how it makes it soggy, I want it to crunch all the way through the bowl).

Eating fish, on the other hand, is pretty

  1. Buy TV

...not only is that said in the article, there’s even a link to another article about that as well...

As someone who worked in a best buy for 7 years. People do purchase tv’s & projectors and return them after the super bowl, and after the world cup, and so on... Also, black Friday is the worst day to shop. The majority of skus on sale are specific to BF and are always lacking some features from the model that would

i tried to make this argument and was shouted down by a chorus of “BUT THE BISCUITS”

Really? What do you think of Red Lobster biscuits? They are amazing.

I’ve added the steps to the text.

I hate when people make long tutorial videos to explain something when a paragraph of text would do. Especially when I’m at work and can’t watch videos.

literally no one gets sarcasm anymore

There was a Bachelor Party 2?

wait what? you know innocent til proven guilty is for reals right? and also the cops don’t always arrest the right suspect?

Watch the flood of comments decrying the Seahawks for being ‘sore losers’ or some such bullshit, rather than the fact that they took the time to specifically contact a division rival to warn them about the shitty turf and inform them what solution worked for them.

I am just glad this article does not suggest you should go to job interviews without any real interest of actually taking that offer - should you get one. If you want to boost your confidence then you should just sack up, and go kill a bear with your bare hands or something. But don’t act like my perfect candidate and

Hiring a family member or friend would be a big mistake. Getting a referral is a good idea if you happen to be friends with someone well connected. I'd definitely get referrals from college friends who made bank. Referrals are too far removed to be a conflict in that case.


Without discussing particulars just ask them who they would go to if you came across a sizable inheritance. Uncle Lotto sure was nice to me.

I’ve heard the best bet is to go to a trusted lawyer and ask “If you had my problem, who would you hire?” Then hire that person.