
Hi! This didn’t work - tried it yesterday evening and this morning. Help!

Hi! This didn’t work - tried it yesterday evening and this morning. Help!

I was accused of rape back in college. This girl liked me, but my best friend liked her (and I didn’t really like her). Basically I ignored her, and one day the campus police came to get me out of my class for questioning. She had accused me of rape and we had to go through some serious administrative shit. I had to

“...despite going into early labor after she was allegedly kicked in the stomach...”

I’m super interested in trying one of these internet mattress deals, but the downside for me is what happens to my old mattress? If I bought from a brick and mortar store, they would take it away when they deliver the new one. Decisions, decisions...

I’m super interested in trying one of these internet mattress deals, but the downside for me is what happens to my

Well, shoot- while we have experts in here, let me throw out my weird, probably unique problem.

I’ll never forget the age I was when I saw it. I was on vacation in London with my dad - which meant he gave me money and let me roam while he slept almost the entire 2 weeks. I ended up one day at a theater and I *really* wanted to see Coming to America. I got in line and the ticket lady asked how old I was and I

Here’s whats REALLY pissing me off: “how we handle incidents in our stores.”

I’ve found that ground shipping is often next day when in the same state - almost always, actually. I regularly ship items from houston to Dallas and Austin and they’ve gotten there next day nearly every time. No guarantee is the difference between ground and overnight in that scenario.

Most adorbs use of Alexa ever - I was at the grocery store, checking the shopping list and I found an item I was pretty sure I didn’t put in there - Toy.

This was amazing news to wake up to - I bought this remote last night for $79! Amazon wouldn’t do an adjustment, so I just bought the lower priced one and I’ll return the other when it arrives. Score!

This was amazing news to wake up to - I bought this remote last night for $79! Amazon wouldn’t do an adjustment, so

Model S.

There’s a restaurant I frequent (once a week roughly) and the entrees are typically priced between $25-35. Once they offered me a special that sounded awesome, sans price, and I ordered it. I was PISSED when they handed me a bill for $60. I’m still mad about it, but it was my fault for not asking.

You sure he didn’t make it himself?

I once had a client who paid I think it was an additional $14,000 to have his new Ferrari California flown in as opposed to come on the boat with everyone elses so he would be the first to have one in the US.

The second time I had sex, I *thought* I did a good job, and when I was done, I rolled over and reached for the remote. The woman I was with basically started crying - it alarmed the crap out of me and she let me know she couldn’t believe I thought I was done.

Shouldn’t they just make prison airspaces no drone zones? Kinda like airports...

Swoled out. I see what you did there. *hat-tip*

Swoled out. I see what you did there. *hat-tip*

Lol - nah, I live in Houston and I haven’t visited her out there yet. She travels a ton and I work a ton, and I haven’t worked it out yet. FaceTime and basically free international calls almost make you forget when you haven’t seen your loved ones in a couple of years.

My sister lives in Portsmouth! What are the freaking odds!?

There’s a town I drive through sometimes that has a sign that says “No engine braking” and I’ve always wondered why. Any ideas?