Muy guapo pug

More like this is his best performance ever and he changes his voice to answer calls using an alias like Trump/Barron did.

Ahh, thought I had spotted a Ren & Stimpy fan. Honest mistake.

So far the Trump Administration has defended:

It’s like when Lindy West talked about rape jokes, essentially saying that as long as the joke is on rape culture and not the victims of rape they are fine. She got a lot of rape and death threats. Then Patton Oswalt said the same thing and people are like “So brave, let’s listen to him.”

Why should we waste our time deprogramming people who don’t want to be deprogrammed? We just need to focus our efforts on circumventing them.

I ran across this Bertrand Russell letter today via Brain Pickings. I think it sums up the only attitude I can take with Trump Supporters anymore:

Exactly. Her recent behavior is nothing but self-serving, and I suspect it will end up biting her in the long run.

How is it that the Desiree Fairooz story hasn’t hit this site yet?

My town flipped from being mostly balanced with a blue mayor to entirely red and DINOs. I’m so upset that I can’t even breathe. These wins are helping a little bit.

Maaaaybe it’ll finally dawn to the GOP that Trump isn’t loyal to anyone but himself. If you win, he’ll take credit. If you lose, he’ll throw you under the bus without a second thought. They hitched their wagons to him, and now they are fucked.

I didn’t have a choice but to go fully under to get my 3 wisdom teeth taken out. And I’m glad I did because they had a hard time trying to wrench them out and I already have a lot of anxiety around dental stuff.

First of all I’m so damn happy for you that it went smoothly! I am TERRIFIED of when that time comes for me, lol.

I actually have to be knocked out for it, because of another medical issue. So it’s 100% the anticipation, which is weird, because the dentist doesn’t bother me at all.

I’m 44 and I have been putting off getting mine removed for um ... 4 years now. Three/four have come in all the way but they have decay and my dentist can’t fill them way back there. The fourth one is gonna knock out a molar if I don’t have it out.

I do Heifer donations for any family members with disposable income. I do gift cards for those who need help. Those on the cusp get spa certz.

My poor kitty has cancer. She is 14 and the kind she has isn’t very responsive to chemo, so I’ve been giving her medications at home to ease the pain. How have others known when it was time to let them go? She hasn’t been hiding lately (in fact has been snuggling all day) and is still eating off and on, but only very

A little lighthearted personal news: I found out today that the kiddo I’ve been growing for the last few months is a girl! We got to do the spooky 3d ultrasound and she has my nose. I’m so excited I could pop!

I’ve been so exhausted all week. Between not sleeping well, PMSing hard (the back aches have been unreal), and all the candy... I’m going to need a take two on this weekend to get right before Monday. It feels like I didn’t even have a vacation a couple of weeks ago, which was awesome thank you for asking.

Ok, cause I’m a crazy person I’m starting to look at holiday gifts for family. I am really trying to be better about being a more “conscious” consumer across the board. Anyone have suggestions for great companies who aren’t assholes or “gifts that give”-type presents? I would really like to get some stuff that gives

I’m a big fan of the Tonymoly face masks—you can get 10 for $11 on Amazon!