Muy guapo pug

I think you have quite the literary career ahead of you, my friend!

Hi everyone! I’m wondering if anyone brews kombucha, and if so, what do you do with all of your extra SCOBYs? I have only been brewing for a couple months now and can’t seem to give them away very quickly. Any suggestions?

Boy George is looking good! Much better than that bald-head-with-a-smashed-spider look from a few years back

A-freaking-MEN to this. I direct an outreach program in CdA that serves rural, low-income families and there are so many people in this state who are on the razor edge of losing everything. In a state that has over 70% of its land held by the USFS, Idaho relies heavily on federal aid/programs yet these same folks are

I think I will now that I have pictures!

Great recommendation! I have horrible dark circles — I mean, the only child in my kindergarten class photo to look like a stressed out grad student hereditary dark circles — and that technique is spot on. NYX makes a nice formula that has salmon undertones which really seem to help counteract them.

WOW, I have so much appreciation for folks who are able to push through those endurance events. The pictures look great, best hopes for good conditions and weather.

My mistake — I’m working with epoxy tonight on a sculpture and drinking (a winning combo if there ever was one) so my apologies for assuming!

As of now my work is valued at an ASTOUNDING $10 (roughly).

Never feel bad about alone time! My spouse and I both work in fields that take us away from home regularly for six week stretches. When we reunite it’s great, but having alone time is also awesome (I get to cook all the Vietnamese dishes I want, he can get messy with his projects, etc.). I may be in the minority but

Not an apartment dweller, but I do live in N Idaho so winters are long and dark. I made a small bubbleponic system using a giant Tupperware container, aquarium pump, and some net pots and cocoa coir. There is a hydroponics store about 30 mins away that helped tremendously although I know you can buy kits online for

My discovery is a new lash glue! I am a HUGE fan of false eyelashes — applied judiciously, they really make my eyes pop without necessarily going over the top showgirls-style (which is awesome, but not for everyday).

Hi everyone, I just stopped by to show some progress on my sculpture. It is a plaster rhino head that is slowly but surely getting covered in pennies. It weighs a zillion pounds and I’ve only finished the bottom but overall I’m very happy.

Just wanted to say I appreciate these, and while I may not always make the drinks posted they DO give me fantastic ideas on new cocktails. The tequila drink with sage syrup inspired me to make all kinds of simple syrups to go in my drinks — I’ve used thyme, lavender, and lemon verbena with pretty good results. This

Hahahaha I hadn't until now, but thank you for that!

It SUPER infuriates me when people don’t pick up after their dogs. Especially if they are in a park or on a trail where FREE bags are handed out all over the damn place!

As someone who recently converted to a menstrual cup (I was able to wear WHITE SHORTS during my period, menstrual cups are amazing) — hard pass from me. One of the biggest selling points with the cup was not having to spend more money on replacements all the time.

Same here! Gels are my saving grace and have allowed me to actually grow my nails out on a few occasions. I do mine at home so I can re-touch often since I tend to peel them when I'm nervous or anxious.

The place I live only has one Vietnamese restaurant, and while their pho is awesome, the rest of their menu is pretty bad so I have to make anything else I want at home. Learning cooking skills is great and all but I wish I could just go pick up some to-go instead of having to make pineapple broth from scratch! Let me