They can shop quickly,
They can shop quickly,
It is also important to note that only somewhere around 10% of all clinical trials successfully go from Phase I through Phase III to approval.
I thought the stimulus money is doled out by the Feds using IRS data. Why is this falling back to the states’ responsibilities again?
Amazon is being a dick about workers safety, but people don’t want to be on no waitlist and need their groceries delivered ASAP. Those boneless skinless chicken thighs sure aren’t gonna deliver themselves.
Mask and gloves. But honestly gross people discard used vinyl food prep gloves everywhere on the sidewalk like used condoms.
I don’t know what’s worse. Piling all the seniors into that one hour or asking them to line up outside for crowd control and just extend the senior hour to two or three.
Or, you can just go to the store yourself and get your own groceries (unless you are senior, or at risk, or are an essential worker).
Amazon should prioritize orders for elderlies or other people that really need deliveries (healthcare workers, other people on the front line, etc). Everyone else should just get off their butts and go line up outside for their own groceries.
Everything is quantum.
My guess is that if you can afford an $800 humidifier, you can afford paying someone else (like a house cleaner once every other week) to do the cleaning as well.
Don’t. Their product clearly lacked privacy protection and encryption features, and has been for a long time. The fault lies with the development team not making password protection and other security feature settings default or even mandatory when setting up meetings.
It’s probably the least China can do right now. And it’s gonna take a lot more to buy some good wills around the world.
I have filed my (joint) 2019 tax return already. Do they use the AGI from that? I changed filing status between 2018 and 2019.
OT: for a split second I thought Tokyo Olympics changed its logo to look more like a coronavirus....
Fuck these guys.
It doesn’t help that a vast number of netizens can’t think for themselves for a single second to save their lives.
With a pandemic in full force, any ‘cure’ you can get without a doctor’s prescription is guaranteed snake oil.
I think the bottom line should be that wearing something, anything, that covers your mouth and nose is better than absolutely nothing at all (IF you handle it properly).