
It makes perfect sense seeing as the buyers really love to make the XM their BMW their sole personality because the buyers themselves lack one.”


The Dodge Caliber was worse than all of those cars...

Like I said, it’s not great. But it least looks like it progressed past the napkin sketch phase of the Caliber and everything else Chrysler put out in the mid 2000s.

That Ford isn’t great. But it’s still way better than Cerberus trash. Previous Focus MCA interior was closer to Cerberus grade but still better...

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that the actual usage of an automatic shifter is way less frequent than a manual. You shift into drive when the vehicle is at rest. You shift into reverse or back into park when the vehicle is again at rest. There’s never an instant where the location of the shifter will have

No, you’re right. 3 stalks is atypical and uneccesary. Because think about this for a second. Headlamp controls absolutely do not belong on a stalk. Auto headlamps make it a largely dead function that you never touch or use. So why have it on a stalk?

Counter point... the natural position for your hand while driving should be on the wheel. Especially when you’ll be using those other transmission functions like Park and Reverse.

I go from D to R all the time.  J turns, backing in, etc.  But I agree it isn’t an issue.

Ideally, it would have been nice to have that plus a single cab as well. Unfortunately, it being unibody construction makes that nearly impossible. Not that it can’t be done, but you end up spending the money to tool up 3 completely different vehicles, rather than just a different cab design to be attached to a

This is all due to it being a crew cab. But I think we all know how it would have gone without the space for 2-3 more people. It probably would have been cancelled by now due to slow sales.

The Kia is literally the ONLY rotary shifter I’ve seen with the P in the middle. It’s problematic. If you’ve driven rotary shift cars before and then drive the Kia, you’re very likely to think you are putting it in Park when you’re, in fact, still in Reverse. Why do I need to stab at something to get it into Park? One

Not going to disagree. But if they are seeing him as such when all he got was an ear graze, imagine the insanity that would be happening if he’d been killed.

Take all the rabid Trump followers in the country right now and imagine them with Trump as a martyr.  Now tell me how that would be a good thing.

This guy sold his entire soul to get into this position. In 2016 he was a guy who wrote a fairly well received book and thought (rightly) that Trump was the worst.

True, maybe not bankrupt. Just shuttered by their overlords because their old vehicles weren’t making any money and now they are replacing them with all new vehicles that appeal to an even smaller demographic. I mean lets face it... Jaguars appeal to people who like Jaguars and have the money to afford Jaguars. I


I once parked at the end of a very gradually slopped culdesac and shut and locked the door. Started walking away when the car popped out of gear and started rolling. I instantly thought “I gotta stop it!” but just as quickly realized that wasn’t going to work. Just too much mass. Standing helpless as the car plowed

I had a 2011 Fiesta. First model year. Equipped with a Powershift auto that literally never had any issues. Ever. So weird.  I was at almost 140,000 miles.

Never got it in our Fiesta. I was going off the image included with the comment which was of the newer and vastly superior European version we never got because Ford hates us.

WTF is the Fiesta guy talking about? The “small Ecoboost” from the F150 is a 2.7L V6 that makes 325hp. Nothing like that is going to fit in any Mustangified Fiesta, nor is that amount of power needed. The Fiesta ST with the 3 cylinder is fine. I love that engine and its plenty powerful in that application. Now,