
I just saw a few Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4s on Autotrader with this sort of mileage for around $40k asking.  IMO these are even more rare and look better.  NP.  Anything at this price point was in the 80-100k mileage mark.

Hot take:

Coach doors are for chauffeur driven automobiles. Chauffeur gets out, closes his door, turns around and opens the rear door to allow for effortless egress where the passenger doesn’t have to negotiate around the door and can make a grand entrance.

Development times. Everything has a timing in the industry. You normally don’t delay a program for a year just because a new platform is going to become available. Better planning is the obvious answer in hindsight, but once you are locked in, it costs huge sums of money to halt development and switch gears.

Wife had to pee on the way back to Detroit from Dayton. Driving through a tiny town, the only option was a gas station called Mugg and Bopps. I kid you not. It’s a chain. The place was tiny and the solitary girl behind the counter was in the restroom when we walked in. She did her business and we bought some snacks

You’re talking like you’re the actual father of the 13 year old.  Are you?

I’ve been needing a chiropractic adjustment, but they just charge so much.  Do you think this would be a cheaper option?

It IS a good thing. However, I get the feeling they are always attached, whether needed or not, for the aesthetic. Which is moronic. The whole point of a wagon is the utility of having a relatively small, sleek, aerodynamic vehicle that can still hold loads of stuff with the seats down. Situations where those loads of

What’s with all the rooftop luggage carriers? Some so low profile they can barely carry two suitcases. Is this some sort of look? Do wagon enthusiasts just like to put rooftop luggage carriers on their cars as an aesthetic? Weird.

Gonna go make custard and then punch it before it’s set and see if it’s actually Non-Newtonian. I’ll make sure I’m wearing my best shirt first.

I thought they made it clear that stampings would have resulted in larger panels being welded and polished at the seams, which was unacceptable. Stamping larger pieces is not about flex, it’s about moldability. Too complex and the tool has no path to stamp and retract.  Surfaces that curve too much or return on

Yes. The industry is moving to other finishes and processes but yes. It’s still being done.

Chevy Trax seems to be using quite a bit. Looks like old school chrome, anyway, especially on the climate knobs. Could be one of the new processes, but it’s more of a mirror finish which usually denotes old school chrome.

I’ll take “Things I don’t care about” for $500, Alex...

No, that’s true. And PVD is better, though still not great. Hell, even painting things isn’t great, but modern 2K paint processes are approaching plating in terms of finishes, at least for satin type gloss levels.

Yes, it’s correct.  You just have to apply a preliminary layer of something that conducts electricity.

You can use the same plating method to plate plastic. It doesn’t have to be metal.

I’ll admit that the S2000 interior has aged really well. The push button start looks awesome where it’s placed and is something that has spread to just about every vehicle. However, this one was old enough that it still required a physical key to be inserted and turned before pushing the button.  Would be so cool to

Video?  Nope.

Here’s why. The Jeep tail gate will almost always have a full sized spare on it. Most streets have a gentle crown from the center of the street to the curb to assist in drainage to the gutters. When parking, your Jeep will be at a slight angle, lower at the curb. As such, and with the weight of the spare, a tail gate

Agree to disagree.  They are great.  If these were 16" wheels with external balancing weights on the wheel lips then yes, they would be terrible.  But executed properly with size and clean design and I love them.

NP for a still handsome highway cruiser with one of the most comfortable seats on the market.