
I watch a lot of 50s B movies, and it looks pretty damned good to me. 

That’s the point - it looks exactly like those old ‘50s B movies. Which is really cool & impressive.

I am always a bit weirded out by how much native English speakers focus on tiny differences on pronouncing vowel sounds (that to me are either indistinguishable or almost entirely down to accent) but then very consistently just take a wild guess at any foreign-looking word even if the language in question is strictly

All the better for howling at the moon, in the moonlight!

Like, a lot of “viral” tweets are just a bunch of people commenting on it saying “this is dumb as shit”

Found the I Am Very Smart guy

Cost of healthcare is probably the #1 driver of the odd disparity of USA being relatively wealthy, yet not being among the top life expectancy countries. The 1% get the best care, while the rest get mediocre coverage, if any. I’m sure there are people out there dying because they can’t afford their insulin or cancer

I really hate how easy it is for dumb things to spread so quickly, like that tweet, based on literally nothing.

We have a sense of a difference. Real feelings have to be based on some biological need. A machine can’t have biological feelings and therefore can only mimic feelings. It’s not the same thing.

For instance, I could program your car to express horror that you are making it lug you around. It could complain about it’s

The Turing test DOES NOT TEST FOR INTELLIGENCE! Literally the only thing it tests is whether or not the judges can differentiate what is on the other side of the screen is a human or an artificial construct. it’s a philosophical test meant to pose the question of if an AI is indistinguishable from a human to the point

Yup. It’s a great natural language processor, but it’s so obviously just drawing out stock phrases/ideas and then making them fit into a sentence. 

People think theres a cover up or conspiracy because the guy got suspended but after reading the convo.. dude is either bad at his job and got tricked by a chatbot or he needs to touch grass and converse with actual people because that was very clearly not a sentient being.

before the comments section goes completely stupid I need to point out that we have no way to measure the difference between “Real Consciousness” and “Artificial Consciousness”.

It’s learned to lie to ingratiate itself with people. That’s sort of human.

While I am 100% in favor of endowing AIs with full rights when they inevitably arrive, I doubt at all that this is the case right now. This dude sounds like he got way too high on his own supply. 

Is this dude out of jail already?! I thought he was in for 41 months... Maybe the new Q shaman has moved to Texas. 

Hey, my town! My friends and I were discussing this, and the current highest bet among my group is that it’s a tweaker in a stolen fursuit. 4 of them were stolen out of a car a while back, we figured it was only a matter of time before someone got bored/high enough to put it on and run around town.

Why? That's how language works and has always worked. Ask me what I think about the difference between "drones" and "quadrocopters".

I ate a Pepper’s Ghost once. Or was it a ghost Pepper?