
You seem to be ignoring all the stuff they do outside of AI since 2010.

So many are against CC and their AI stuff and say its off topic. It shows you never watched their videos then as they said AI is part of being a visual effects artists. It’s another tool for people in the field to use. Lets face it, the hate just comes from boomer type minded people who don’t like progress.

For an article titled “13 things I wish I knew before I started Cyberpunk 2077" this list feels super subective and not very informative. Like avoid this quest because I didn’t like it, or take this one because I did, its not really the kind of general advice the article title suggests. This would have have been a

Thank you for commenting on an article that doesn’t hold your interest but does interest me, since that’s one of the metrics used to determine which articles to publish in the future.

So the oversaturation of comic books isn’t the issue, it’s the games, movies and TV shows that’s the problem?

If you’re opening the dishwasher at the end of the cycle to put in the towel, you can just open the dishwasher and let the steam out, no towel required.

Is this even needed? I just open my dishwasher when it’s done, pull all the racks out and by the time everything is cool enough to touch, it’s dry. I call BS on this one and any perceived positive results are likely psychological. Even most of the comments on the TikTok say it doesn’t work.

I watch a lot of 50s B movies, and it looks pretty damned good to me. 

That’s the point - it looks exactly like those old ‘50s B movies. Which is really cool & impressive.

I am always a bit weirded out by how much native English speakers focus on tiny differences on pronouncing vowel sounds (that to me are either indistinguishable or almost entirely down to accent) but then very consistently just take a wild guess at any foreign-looking word even if the language in question is strictly

Quora was getting into trouble for a good while too. China had government users posting qquestions about US and NATO hardware. I remember one I saw was like, “is it true that the US spy plane XYZ has surfaces that will ablate at X speed and temperature during ballistic flight trajectories in order to maintain stealth

It is really so hard to understand why this happens?

Yep. “We want to retire now so buy our garbage before we ruin it”.

... or some guy called Beardsley, who lives in a Cave near Stonehenge.

Others say that EA is primarily interested in a merger arrangement that would allow Wilson to remain as chief executive of the combined company.”

Let me pull your bootlicking ass out of the greys for a tick...

It’s also made more dangerous by our (lack of) gun laws. In most Western countries police officers don’t walk into every interaction assuming that the other party might be armed with a firearm. 

Wait, is having a ‘crypto-wallet” a precondition for working at Ubisoft?  That’s some dystopian shit.