Saber-rattling Chinese, when they’re not fortifying islands in the South China Sea as territory grabs or just giving their usual lip service about controlling Lil’ Kim, get pissy-moany over the capabilities of American radar systems.
Saber-rattling Chinese, when they’re not fortifying islands in the South China Sea as territory grabs or just giving their usual lip service about controlling Lil’ Kim, get pissy-moany over the capabilities of American radar systems.
The Golf Course on the South Korean Military Base in Taegu is right next to the mountain where the bunker system is. We used to have to walk across the golf path to get to work in the morning. Korean guys would have to wait in their knee socks and funny golf hats for us to pass.
Great. Another golf war.
They didn’t even replace their divots. Dicks!
Its because they are trapped in their own self affirmation loop and have 2 news sources that they trust. CNN and Facebook.
Your comment Is a thing of PERFECTION. You can give them ALL the truths in the world but they are so entrenched in their own self affirmation loop that they cant see the truth. This entire website is a sham, and the readers are blind to real facts. I tried explaining to someone that Trumps elevation in the GOP primary…
Except that the people I was referring to are American. You obviously lack the courage, intelligence or knowledge to deal with issues like this in a proper manner, so resort to the methods of a coward.
Glass houses, dude/dudette. Careful.
(Preface - I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m just sick of these lies being wantonly spread around thoughtlessly)
Technically Russia is in Syria to help quash ISIS so any intel shared with Putin to that aim is for the purposes of an alliance.
Also start taking in more refugees.
Isn’t his schedule just skipping the last week each month? Been pretty reliable to me.
Some people are mad that his comedy included uncomfortable topics and offensive language.
I’m not sure what she’s referring to because I thought they were funny.
Uh-huh. Where were you when Obama disclosed the UK’s nuclear strength to Russia?
Oh yeah. Well, I had sex with your wife.
Who cares? You’re their all time best seller!
Well Cecilia...
Why do chicken coops have two doors?