
Holy Mackerel!


Is she though? She does do that thing that American actresses do when trying a posh English accent, which is to pronounce "world" as "warld".

I though that too - they just basically kicked the shit out of it!

Roger Corman used FX footage from 'Battle Beyond The Stars' in 'Space Raiders'. James Horner's score got reused as well.

He probably lives in that Flintstones houses off the 280 in Hillsborough: []

Really cool! I like the old "spray suit as cheap alien costume" trick. I've been there myself. Plus I made a mask out of two tea strainers: []

I'll try and be there whether my cold has gone or not. Gotta spread the love!

Is anything worn under the kilt?

Nail on the head. And that's why I prefer the xenomorphs to be just a natural hazard out there, rather than being the weaponized pets of the aliens that created us.

I realise they didn't know, but I like the guessed explanation better.

Why do our fates have to be so closely tied in with the aliens? Why can't they just be out there, and we come into contact with them? Why can't space just be big and cruel and random and meaningless? Why must "canon" always come before story?

I use my printer often enough to need one, but rarely enough for the ink to dry up between uses. So frustrating.


Voltron's Office of Homeland Security:

Yep, me too. Cutting down on the sugar too.

Oh no, this means all the coffee snobs are going to come and ruin my filthy-strong PG tips.

Someone call Wheaton.

You got it. Glad I could help.