
Or the cannibal cult leader in 'Consider Phlebas'?

Was it Robocop that had a commercial for a board game called 'Nuke Em!'? They already made that into a movie called 'The Day After'. (they needed a time machine, obv)

So is it like a big Milgram experiment?

Or a cucumber. I reckon the mechanism is about the same - lots of cells filled with juice. Crack! the juice flows...

You beat me to it!

Scary stuff - I'd not seen them before. Shame they feel they have to change them. Here's a creepy animated version of one! []

My favourite kaiju sound!

Is that what they call "stock footage"?

It might be time to add a new Protocol to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons: []

Gan in Blake's 7. Squished holding open a door for the gang when they were trying to sabotage the Fed's central computer - except it wasn't there! OK, heroic and sad, but pretty pointless.

Cool gallery! I have a question, though. What's the difference between concept art and regular fantasy or scifi art? Are these pieces commissioned for comics or films?

I do this too. Luckily the meeting culture in my org is pretty good, but sometimes its useful to write up notes from my day book, note down personal tasks (even non-work related ones - "buy milk on way home") and generally tidy up my mind.

Douglas Adams, wasn't it? Plot was then partly reused in 'Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency'.

So the vomiting bear is like the Watchmen squid?

I remember those - does it have the one about the drilling engineer? With parasites on his scalp running their own drilling operation?

I'll be there! Nice to have one that doesn't coicide with my wedding or something.

In the 82 version, it was making a ship, wasn't it? More like the Campbell story (available here: []), where it was making an antigravity harness.

When it wins, everyone looks at each other, smiles, relaxes, and then dissolves into a planet-wide lake of goop. Then the work of building another spaceship begins...

Ooh yes that's a good one. Shapeless slaves get wise and revolt.