@John_Hazard: Those three especially. RIP.
@John_Hazard: Those three especially. RIP.
So where do the Mi-Go come from?
China Mielville wrote about LOTR and Tolkien in 2002 in Socialist Review:
@JuanDieGomez: "Al Qaeda" means "the Base" (kind of like a foundation).
@FenrirOE: It's the midichlorians
That 1984 clip is good. Donald Pleasance played the same character in THX1138.
@Modred189: Yup, and Donald Pleasance was in it too.
Blood Music
@dmccall: Agreed. Proper apps can be great, but bandwagon-jumping cheats spoil it.
@DanHibiki: The 2000AD strip 'Flesh' was about time-travelling cowboys farming dinosaurs. But they got complacent...
@doubledeckard: Wasn't that Ennio Morricone?
@Fauxcused: Right!
I can't stand this pathological need to "explain" everything. NO-ONE was "wondering" why an axe was in a door.
@AbraKaDaggers: But don't forget the Ginormous Squid! Or even bigger, the Pacific Humungous Squid!
"If you want to find the number two sixteen in the world, you'll be able to pull it out of anywhere. Two hundred and sixteen steps from your street comer to your front door. Two hundred and sixteen seconds you spend riding on the elevator. When your mind becomes obsessed with anything, it will filter everything else…
@jamesryan: Battlestar Potemkin is an excellent idea. The Caprica Steps!
@ShadowStaarr: right, and was the area where the story was set inhabited for 40,000 years? Lots of native Americans, then what? Mammoths?
Christ, what an asshole.