the people are all good
the people are all good
Say what you will about 2012's Red, you have to admit covering a complete King Crimson album at that point in her career was a really bold move on Swift’s part.
What a savings.
This is my issue with NIMBYs, though: their position essentially boils down to “I recognize that there is a problem, and I’d rather that there weren’t. Thassit.”
You clearly have a very interesting perspective. Could you elaborate on how my ego issues are manifest in this article, to the degree that they are the only reason this article exists?
People Smart Enough to Know What Fraud Is Make Correct Choice
What a load of horseshit.
The US has indoctrinated its cititzenry against socialism to such a degree that the fringes use the term as a synonym for everything from kleptocracy through to zionist-paedophile-cabal.
“Oh you never hear about the bad things in socialism...” - oh, apart from the mountain of logical fallacies…
I’ll hedge here by saying, I enjoy when people offer up explanations that allow me to watch a movie with a different frame of reference. Take the documentary Room 237. It offers five different theories about what the Shining means. Do I believe any of them are correct? No. But they sure do make the film…
Phds should be a use-it-or-lose it deal when it comes to talking about yourself.
Weird to suggest that having a high IQ makes someone an intellectual but spending years studying to obtain a graduate degree doesn’t.
Not to say that Bialik doesn’t have some, let’s say, questionable public comments in her background, but calling her “anti-vax” is incorrect. She’s said she thinks children should get vaccinated and I think she confirmed her own kids are vaccinated as well.
I liked all three of the movies in the original set, including this one. I remember a lot of people criticizing this one for Depp not bringing anything new to the role, which I thought was sort of a limp criticism for a sequel. I was also still in love with epic sagas from watching LotR extended versions, so the…
I keep checking information about this game, but no matter where I look, I can’t seem to find the words: “Final Fantasy Tactics”.
Jump scares are like guitar solos, they’re overused but who cares? They’re still awesome, and every once in awhile you get one that’s truly transcendent (looking at you, episode 6 of The Haunting of Hill House).
You know, every big brained armchair movie critic talks shit about jump scares, but I love them. It’s fun to just be spooked quickly by something inconsequential then have a little chuckle about how scared you got from a door closing on it’s own, as opposed to the lingering dread from something like The VVitch (which…
That Baltimore article you linked is mostly a digest of a different article on a site called (no idea how credible they are but the original article is well presented at least). The original article is about the larger trend of declining arrests and rising crime in Baltimore, which they ascribe to corruption…
And yet another hot take of why JoJo is meh because “it’s not that good a Holocaust film” when it’s not trying to be a Holocaust film.
“Worth $23,000"??
That was probably my personal favorite thing about the second game - and that no matter what ‘class’ you picked, you got a slightly different origin story that always ended the same way.
First one’s better than the second IMO - better pacing, better jokes, less ‘we’re going to intentionally give you unfunny and nasty things to do just to push buttons’. I also enjoyed the first game’s gameplay more - in between combats is pretty similar, but the combat system in the first game is much more in tune with…