
They had a basic plan for Laurel. I feel that they mishandled her transitions into Black Canary but it was obvious from the beginning that would be her story arc.

Unfortunately, Cole has to stick around and die in the airstrike — although he probably gets pulled out in time, as we'll discover next week.

"Sony as a company outside of the Playstation division is in a dire mess at the moment,"

You dare question Waller's methods? She is a true patriot.

Oh, and the Master gives Eldritch some vampire juice and it makes him better. But he doesn't give him blood or a worm, and the preview for the season finale has Eldritch bitching about being healed but not immortal.

I don't see how Season 1 will be a long build up. As slow as the story is on TV they already crammed half the of the first book into just the first 2 episodes.

I'm still waiting for him and Stahma to get it on. It's been slowly building up since he has shown "respect" for her at the end of season 1.

Pottinger frees her to continue her work on the E-Rep's behalf, and I'll be shocked if this "work" doesn't directly involve Irisa and the craziness inside her.

These are certain features I've been looking out for for awhile.

Nintendo don't need to partner with anyone but I would like to see them push the Adventure genre forward. What used to make the genre compelling was that:

These are certain features I've been looking out for for awhile.

They didn't need to add that line to successfully troll Marvel. Your move Mr. Lee.

Since there are people who will insist that this comparison isn't fair because Arrow is 2 seasons....

If anyone made a misstep we shouldn't forget DC. They are the ones who decided with the new 52 to sex up Waller long before she was pitched as a new character in this show.

If you think frak is a solid curse word you're a Noijitutan fool :p

They foreshadowed Irisa's ability in the first episode. I was confused as to why she seemed to be dreaming about Nolan as a kid. It's possible to have dreams about people you know in a context you never met them in but to throw that in a TV show seemed odd.

I don't see it as the easier answer but it certainly is more at risk of being less entertaining.

Your summation of the events is exactly people acting in terms of their morality.

This discussion is making me think the writers made a misstep by couching this issue in terms of morality.