
@VioletDiaz: Bale isn't the first Batman to win an Oscar.

@joythemanatee: Seriously! I'd be more excited if Christine O'Donnell was wearing this. But Taylor Momsen? Snooze!

That's actually a really good point and I also hate those types of girls who are "guy's girls" and have all guy friends and snark on "most girls" to try to distance themselves but really just don't get along with other girls because they already have these preconceived notions in their head. They are really female

That's actually a really good point and I also hate those types of girls who are "guy's girls" and have all guy friends and snark on "most girls" to try to distance themselves but really just don't get along with other girls because they already have these preconceived notions in their head. They are really female

I think I made it clear in my last comment that when I said misguided feminists, I was referring to people who automatically jump to blanket-statements like "porn is degrading to women" for their reason for disliking it. It disempowers the women who choose to do porn and like it. That was not a generalization about

If you're only hearing the pro-porn shouts, you're vastly underestimating the conservative, anti-sex often-religion crowd that also hates the gays and the women who want abortions. Sadly they're joined by misguided feminists who seem to think blanket-statement porn is demeaning to women.

While I may be getting a little sick of her costumey, always-in-character-even-at-baseball-games, over-the-top schtick, I really love her for her efforts re: gay rights. I really think she will go down in history as a major player in this particular chapter for gay civil rights.

I think her point about discretion is that her bill doesn't broadcast what she's watching. So she's not ashamed that she watches porn, but she's glad we don't know she's watching "Foot Fisters 3: Toe-pocalypse" or "Golden Showers Bring Mae's Flowers" or whatever fetish she might be into but not prepared to disclose.

Considering the fact that the "porn is evil and objectifies women and all sex is bad" crowd is more vocal, I'll take someone singing the praises of porn any day. I also think there's a difference between a celebrity being honest (probably after being asked in some way) and saying "I love porn. It's great." and

What's wrong with her admitting she likes to watch porn? I thought that quote was pretty fuckin' awesome.

@southernbelle: You're human (allegedly—-don't want to be astro-xenophobic and assume). You were curious so you clicked.

This is true. At this point, it's all just celeb publicity bullshit anyway.

Martin Sheen needs to realize that sometimes, with addicts, continually lifting them up is just a form of enabling and maybe Chuckles needs some tough love from his family.

I don't know why sharing a personal experience has to always translate into a blanket judgment about anyone who chooses the opposite. Celebrities are people too and when they are asked about their lives, they should be able to talk about those experiences without everyone instantly getting offended or judging them.

My thoughts exactly, Dodai. All I can do right now is daydream about what it would be like to add $30k on top of my yearly income. Where do I sign up for this magic Twitter/sex-with-celebrities job? And is there a not-Charlie-Sheen option?

And yet, whatever her lifestyle, it doesn't negate the fact that it's her body to make those decisions with. I get what you're saying...the pro-choice side does NOT need someone like her giving us bad publicity. But isn't that the whole point about pro-choice? She's free to have as much sex as she wants and have

The "could of" was a direct quote, which is why the "[sic]" is there. Adding "[sic]" denotes that the error belongs to the quoted person, not the journalist.

$30k in ONE LUMP SUM is a lot of money. I know people who make that much over the course of a year, before taxes, and while it's barely enough to live off of in certain places, if someone handed me a check for $30k, it would be time to celebrate.

Get back to me when we can buy Christine O'Donnell's vibrator and George Rekers's luggage.