
To take a page from the Socratic, let’s start with some questions:

Based on my occupation, I really need 2 17" screens (or I could love one 34-40" screen)
Oftentimes, I need to compare two things at once to each other; flipping between windows is not optimal.

Second that. Try comparing data on two spreadsheets with 15 or 20 columns on one monitor. Therein lies madness.

Pardon my ignorance, but what’s wrong with “we accept everyone”? Everyone is everyone, right?

“We accept everyone” is basically an “I don’t see color” response. You’re not so terrible as to publicly say you don’t like a specific category of people, but you definitely wish they’d just go away and stop making you aware that society maaaybe doesn’t treat everyone the same.

I didn’t see the importance of doing the workshop to get a rainbow placard to put on my office door because I just am an ally and didn’t feel I needed visual proof. Until it was explained that a student would appreciate being able to explain she missed class because her wife was in an accident or something without

Ideally, you’re right, but the reality is much different. A straight person wouldn’t think twice about having a photo of a spouse on their desk. Or answering a question about their weekend plans by replying, “My wife and I …” But as a gay man I’m acutely aware that referencing my husband the same way can immediately

Now playing

If you’re like me and can’t be bothered with mason jars, consider these omelet muffins instead. I make them all the time, and they reheat nicely in the microwave. I generally whip some up on Sunday and eat them for breakfast M-F. They’re tasty and portable and single-serving without having to divide up stuff from the

Eating fats to stay satiated is good advice. I am not your doctor, so I wouldn’t contradict their advice, but here’s what I would say: Don’t try to cut out everything at once. You’ll be miserable. They key is not to eliminate, but replace.

You can absolutely use face wipes all over your body, but they tend to be smaller in size and and more expensive, so it’s not as practical. Baby wipes are perfect for your whole entire self, face and bits included. Plus, they come in GIGANTIC cases.

*facepalm* (note to self: change nick to ‘ultradull’)