
I really like the idea of making up a persona, so as to avoid having to invent new information on the spot. Thanks!

This made me laugh, great idea LOL! Thank you for the feedback that lying is okay and that asking questions of my own could turn the conversation around. :)

When I’m getting my hair cut, or taking an Uber, or otherwise in a situation where I’m in a one on one conversation with a total stranger, I often feel like the default small talk questions are very personal, inappropriately so, and I’m not sure if I’m the only one who feels that way.

Love the combination of video and text, they both were well done and had useful info. I also am a fan of handwritten notes, short meditations, and a spacious workspace. Somehow her work routine comes across as both invigorating and calming at the same time. :)

I think another side to this is how to react to a picky eater. When my wife was a teenager, she was an EXTREMELY picky eater, and one of the first times she ate at my parents’ house, she didn’t take anything but a bread bun, which okay, that’s kind of weird. But then my parents kept offering over and over throughout

As a genderqueer person I appreciate this article and thought it was well-written and had lots of great advice that would probably be helpful to people who are new to the idea of gender neutral pronouns, but oh god I shouldn’t have read the comments /o\

When I’m sleepy my whole body twitches violently, suddenly, and intermittently. The sleepier I am the more often I twitch, and I don’t twitch during the daytime. I don’t think it actually prevents me getting to sleep though, I tend to fall asleep at around the same time every night. It never occurred to me to prevent

Psst you’ve got a typo: national curiosity instead of natural :)

I like watching movies with audio descriptions (the Captain America movies have good ones) because I find I don’t process all the relevant information quickly enough otherwise, but I hadn’t thought of doing it with TV shows, or listening without watching. This is a good tip!

I have used two in-between systems. I used to use one that resembled #6 (turning the hanger around) but allows for more than two levels of cleanliness: I would put one hair elastic on the hanger for each wear. The more elastics, the more urgently the thing needs washing. This was not a perfect system though, too

So your partner doesn’t receive the item in the mail, in Canada you can use Flex Delivery to have things shipped to any Canada Post location rather than your house at no extra cost.

“To do this, all you have to do is look inside yourself and see what you truly give a crap about. ... It doesn’t matter what it is. Nobody cares about it but you.”

Something my mom did right: When she found out I’m not straight, she put me in touch with a queer adult she knew so I’d have a role model of what a happy stable queer life looks like.

Another one I’ve heard that has worked for me is singing about what your stress is. You can just do it super quietly under your breath, which can go unnoticed by others if you work somewhere noisy. The point is to use the creative part of your brain to make up a melody and fit words to it, which is different from the

My local library in Edmonton has a MakerSpace with some paid services (3D printing, book printing/binding) and some free (audio recording booth, green screen for video/photography, computers with audio/photo/video software, even programmable robots you can borrow to play with). I record music in the audio booth all

I’m sure this is all great advice and makes things more delicious, but there are two main reasons I eat salad: 1) it fits the diet my doctor put me on, and 2) it’s ridiculously quick and easy. Cold things, bowl, stir. Anything that makes it more complicated makes it less likely to be eaten.

The other day I gave up in the middle of an interesting tweet thread because it took so much effort to read. I just tried Thread Reader on it (I did it wrong the first time - I entered the last tweet rather than the first one - but then I did it right) and it worked perfectly! I read the whole thing with no trouble.

The other responses to your question are great and I hope clarify things. I also want to add that shortly afterward, I was laid off for not being a “team player,” whatever that means? It’s hard not to wonder if there’s a connection.

This is a good article. I wish any of the companies I have ever worked at had made me feel included the way these suggestions would. Once I worked at a company that said very vaguely “We’re a family, we accept everyone” (with no particular mention of accepting LGBT people). I sent in a question for the company town