Three-Fifths Compromise

***too Black.

I mean an efficient troll can pare your moronic comments down to 140 characters and love on to the next story in a tenth of the time. David, bubby, you've got a ways to go there hun.

Yep. Elite sports is one of the few ways in this fucked up country that a black person can get themselves into a position to make a statement and actually be heard.

I think it is disguising the way people have reacted to Kaepernick. He is part of a long tradition of black athletes using their position to make a statement about the prejudice and discrimination that they face in the United States (see: Carlos, Smith, and Ali just for starters). All the bullshit about trying to

I’m guessing it’s the new troll style for racists who can’t quite figure out how they want to attack a white woman yet.

White Feminism(TM)

All the top comments on this article are from “women” who have “veterans” for husbands, whose “husbands” support Kaepernick but the commenters themselves don’t understand.

Well see, here’s the thing - you’re just a shitty person. It’s cool. There’s a LOT of shitty people out there who have no empathy for others. And that’s fine. Hey, you can even be racist if you want, because this is America and that’s allowed.

He IS using his platform.

As for this girl though, come on already. My eyes can’t roll hard enough. This is display for display sake.

you are a dumbass

I just feel like he has a platform that most don’t

I’m just going to say this:

I really hope this is the one. Out of all of them, this is my preferred Iron Fist costume.

Honestly, if someone did that to my kid I would be in jail . . . for assaulting that little bitch of a teacher.

She needs more discipline than other children because she’s black.

Are we done with this yet? It’s really getting old hearing “2 years ago Hello Games said we would be able to do X”.

let me say it again:

like they are meant to do something, or perhaps trigger something. Except...they don’t.

Oh but your paying for the experience guys! It’s such a great experience and everybody complaining about the lack of content just doesn’t get it! It’s such a unique indie experience it really is!