Three-Fifths Compromise

Fuck them both, I really could not care less about Misinformed Megyn getting belittled.

bigFlop over there is a disingenuous, racist troll. Do no waste any more of your time.

bigFlop! Back at it again with the white whine comments that get instantly dismissed!

Yes, lucky he's not a bit darker. My point exactly.

Your brother also is not black...

They know we work twice as hard and are twice as great as them. At everything.

Be a better troll.

It’s not a competition...

The oppressors write the history. Can’t even imagine how lost the next few generations are going to be with the shit they're not teaching in schools.


After the scene where Lord came in and explained the red kryptonite or whatever, when Alex and Hank left the holding room the sanator was RIGHT there to say “we need to stop Supergirl, now! She’s an alien, you guys are supposed to protect us from aliens!!!!”

I’m telling you guys, I don’t know if I was too stoned or what, but I was getting heavy ominous vibes from that scene, regardless if Kara was under the influence or not at the time.

Your idiocracy never ceases to amaze me.

Your wife is an idiot.

Yeah, really troll article.

Agree with everything you posted!