Warning: If you haven’t played Deus Ex, but have maybe bought it in a Steam Sale as something you’re absolutely…
Warning: If you haven’t played Deus Ex, but have maybe bought it in a Steam Sale as something you’re absolutely…
The same game can be different things to different people, with gender, history, age, cultural background and…
Muk comes in many forms, my friend.
A new console generation starts, and you wait for something special. The launch games are okay, but they are really…
The first episode of The Foo Show, a virtual reality-based talk show hosted by Tested’s Will Smith, begins with a…
For all the painstaking realism that the game tries to inject... you then get a whole bunch of female characters who have weirdly revealing outfits, and no backstory beyond something mysterious and vaguely magical. The MGS solid series is such an important franchise in the history of video games, but its treatment of…
“If she puts on clothes then...she’ll...she’ll die! Ya that’s it, she’ll die! Now who’s the pervert? You, that’s who”
On a popular torrent site, Fallout 4 has been downloaded nearly 140,000 times. Nearly 200 people are downloading…
Not surprised patrick didn’t like it. He seems to be kind of a hater when it comes to the X-Files.
At Ubisoft, big video games like Assassin’s Creed are developed by hundreds of people at many different studios…
License GiTS as DLC for Cybperpunk 2077.
You may have seen the news today that The Witcher 3 has sold well over 6 million copies. Impressive! We don’t…
One of my favorite quests was Agatha’s Song. Receiving the radio frequency of the violin music was one of the most rewarding things I did in this game.
Nope, it's another one of those fake Unreal Engine 4 apartments. Those fake, gorgeous Unreal Engine 4 apartments.
Before I joined Gearbox Software, I worked at Destructoid as a features editor. I worked there from 2006 to 2010 and…
Computers and displays hanging on the walls, chaos that is somehow organized, rusty post-indusrial techno-junk lying…
Sorry! This isn't an actual Paris apartment. But dang, it sure looks nice.
1,158 players. 5,089 vehicles destroyed. 53,729 kills. Big numbers, is what I'm saying.
World Shark? World Shark. It was built by Planet Minecraft's Zeckou, who calls it a live coral reef, which explains the little floating fish and jellyfish. It's also deceptively big. Check below for the hi-res version of the three pics and the obligatory in-game shots, and click here for the world download.