
They cod do batter.

They're just fishing for clicks from all their chums in the commentariat.

And no one's ever been horribly murdered after meeting brand new internet stranger friends in person, so nothing could possiblie go wrong!

It's time to come clean; I am actually a mustachioed fish. I'm sorry to have misled you for so long.

I thought this was going to go somewhere far snarkier, and while there's no shortage of snark, I was pleasantly surprised by the overall uplifting substance of the piece. It's hard to tell people to hang in there and keep trying their hardest without sounding like a total cheeseball, but he really manages to pull it

I was watching this on my phone slightly drunk after coming home Saturday night and had to squint to be sure that was him. Any cameo that's random and fast enough to make you say "is that Conan or am I just that drunk?" is a good one.

Oh man, I looked it up but I have no recollection of that. Perhaps the fact that it's been years since I've actually watched a Simpsons episode is starting to catch up with me!

I don't get it.

Oh goody, I was so peeved when Brian Wilson's tour schedule was announced and he wasn't coming anywhere near Chicago! This might require me to once again touch Pitchfork with a 10-foot pole.

Sometimes I think that "twists" are intentionally foreshadowed so much that we're actually supposed to see them coming a little bit, and then feel satisfaction for being right about our inkling — as opposed to just being blindsided by the twist. Gone Girl (the book) is another example.

Stop commenting. Go to bed.

And then one day he realized he had become more beard than man.

A horror movie about dirty handprints, brought to you by OxiClean!

You're not my supervisor!

But Kozelek has a really beautiful voice, and this guy is just talking.

Fusion, like The A.V. Club, is owned by Univision Communications.

Maybe the funny part is supposed to be how little he sounds like him?

Yes, that connection seems fozzie at best.

I don't mean to be a pooh, but are we really stooping to bear puns?

But neither has the sage wisdom of a Carl Weathers. They can teach you to act, but can they teach you how to get a stew goin'?