
I wouldn’t brag about how competent Hilary is, she lost an election to the least liked candidate in history because she surrounded herself with lousy people and campaigned very badly. That the personification of Third Way Corporatism lost to the personification of Phony Populism at a time when the government has

Is ex AV Clubber Nathan Rabin involved in this at all? He wrote an (authorized) biography of Yankovic.

I think we also have to bear in mind that Method was a product of its time, and one reason fewer people are explicitly fully Method these days is that a sort of low-level semi-Method has become universal. You don’t get the old Shakespearian Declamation style on TV or film anymore (well, not very much) - it’s not

My bold statement of the day: Revolutionary Road is my favorite book by my favorite author.  The film is aggressively ... ok. 

I always enjoyed the West Wing, but I have to agree with Oliver Willis, who has been complaining on Twitter for years now that TWW turned liberals into a bunch of weak Pollyannas who think that just being right will convince people and win the day. Even when the West Wing was still on the air the Republicans had

Eh, as someone who has watched most of the recent comic book movie output I don’t think anything he’s is wrong...or that he would suddenly change his mind by watching the films.
He can talk about the impact the films have had on pop-culture without having watched them, because it’s quite clear with all the focus on

No point in sugarcoating it - this looks fucking terrible. And I say that as a Trump-hating coastal elite.

Aside from all the other reasons, I'm hoping Biden wins just so we can get Hillary to go away forever.

As long as libs keep treating her like she’s their queen, yes, she probably will spend the rest of her life doing that.

Honestly, how bad a presidential candidate does one have to be to actually lose against Donald Trump should have been Cobert’s first and only question.

Russia is the reason she went to FL, PA, OH, NC and MI 87 times in the last 102 days compared to Trumps 133 including actually stepping foot in WI?

She thought it’d be easy and wouldn’t you know it the GOP fought hard (and dirty), surprising no one.  I’m disappointed Colbert is such a shill.

I get the feeling that that losing was just as good for her as winning, if not better. She gets all the kudos and positive prognostication about what her presidency would’ve been like without ever having it put to the actual fucking test and taking responsibility for her decisions.

Is Hillary just going to spend the rest of her life passive-aggressively bitching about Donald Trump denying her ’rightful coronation’ like she wasn’t the one who managed to lose against Donald-fucking-Trump?

In what world would Copmala make leftists enthusiastic for voting for this ticket?

Just use the celery trick.

You mean like the entire Democratic establishment who stuck us with Uncle Rapey and all but guaranteed Trump another term?

FWIW, you can still be a piece of shit and be a Democrat. 

I see him as a wannabe Paul Rudd that panders to conservatives.

I think it’s cute that the article states that the red rose is symbol for people with far-left political beliefs - only in America! Social democracy is basically one step off center to the left.